As you are aware that, LARSGESS was stopped abruptly because of certain judicial concerns, but because of Hon’ble Supreme Court’s decision that Railway Board should consider the cases where they have completed all the formalities, their cases should be considered, but the letter has been addressed to the General Managers of only three Railways, whereas, such cases are available in almost all the Zonal Railways…..
No.AIRF/415 Dated: July 2, 2019
The D.G.(Pers.),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Appointments under LARSGESS
As you are aware that, LARSGESS was stopped abruptly because of certain judicial concerns, but because of Hon’ble Supreme Court’s decision that Railway Board should consider the cases where they have completed all the formalities, their cases should be considered, but the letter has been addressed to the General Managers of only three Railways, whereas, such cases are available in almost all the Zonal Railways.
You are, therefore, requested to endorse the said letter of the Railway Board to all the General Managers, so that, the cases should be considered in all the Zonal Railways.
Copy to: General Secretaries, all affiliated unions – for information.