Sub: Massive exodus of the migrant labour from various Metropolitan Cities
We have seen in a last few days that the migrant workers, working in the Metropolitan Cities or Industrial Cities, are facing lot of problems, and their demand is that, they should be sent back to their native places…..
No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: April 15, 2020
Hon’ble Minister for Railways,
Ministry of Railways,
Rail Bhawan,
New Delhi
Respected Sir,
Sub: Massive exodus of the migrant labour from various Metropolitan Cities
We have seen in a last few days that the migrant workers, working in the Metropolitan Cities or Industrial Cities, are facing lot of problems, and their demand is that, they should be sent back to their native places.
Most of them belong to the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Uttrakhand, Himachal Pradesh etc., and though we 100% agree and support the lockdown, at the same time, worries and mental agony of these migrated labours as well as their families at their native places is creating lot of problems in the country.
Everybody believes that the Railways have always stood with the Nation in all the odd circumstances, may be War, Earthquakes, Floods or any circumstances, and proved its worth and given relief to every section of the society.
To evacuate these people from the Metropolitan Cities, if Railways take this as a challenge and make an emergency plan, I am sure that, they can be repatriated and can be sent to their native places in a hassle-free manner in a given time.
I sincerely hope, you will kindly consider our request, so that, lakhs of workers willing to go to their native places from Mumbai, Surat, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Chennai, Delhi, can be sent back to their native places.
With Kind Regards,