Record note of discussions held with the Federation (AIRF) on 18.08.2015 in the chamber of AM(Staff)

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)

No. 2015/E(LR)I/NM 1-3                                                               New Delhi, dated:14.10.2015

The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi -110055.

Dear Sir,
Sub.:- on following PNM/ AIRF items No.
(i) 15/2013: {A) Proper Implementation of LARSGESS in case of the
candidates declared unsuitable in PET in 2010 Cycle.
(B) Minimum educational qualification for appointment under LARSGESS – Case of the wards of railway employees opted for LARSGESS in the year 2010.
(D) Alternative appointment to the wards of the railway employees under LARSGESS who failed to qualify the prescribed medical examination.
(ii) 15/2014: MACP Scheme for Railway Servants – Treatment of employees selected under LDCE/GDCE Scheme- Clarification reg.
(iii) 43/2002: Review of system of Construction Reserve Posts for nongazetted staff.
(iv) 21/2014: Non-regularisation of the substitutes after 120 days of their engagement.


Record Note of Discussions held on 18.08.2015 on the above mentioned subject is sent herewith for information and record.

Yours faithfully,
(Naveen Kumar)
Dy. Director, Estt.(LR)-I

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