Letter NoDateRBE No.Subject
E(NG)I-2020/PM9/124.11.202186/2021 Introduction of General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) in Accounts Department and Chief Law Assistant.
E(NG)I-2021/CR/122.06.202142/2021Extension of timeline for submission of Annual performance Assessment Report (APAR) in respect of Group ‘C’ personnel of Indian Railway for the year 2020-21 – regarding.
E(NG)I-2020/TR/222.06.202140/2021Cancellation of periodical transfer of Staff.
E(NG)I-2020/PM1/805.05.202126/2021Eligibility criteria for selection to the post of Chief Law Assistant in Level-7
E(NG)I-2020/TR/231.03.202125Cancellation of Periodical Transfer of Staff.
E(NG)I/2018/CFP/504.03.202116Eligibility criteria for selection to the post of Commercial-cum-Ticket Clerk, GP Rs.2000(Level-I) against 33-1/3% and 16-2/3 quotas
E(NG)I-2010/PM1/19 Duplicate23.02.202111Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways – Classification of posts as Safety Categories in Traffic Transportation Department (Operating Department).      2. Date of Issue: 23.02.2
E(NG)I-2021/TR/Misc. 122.01.2021 Compilation of data of front-line workers for COVID-19 vaccination
 E(NG)I-2021/DP/218.01.2021Temporary deputation of Coordinators (Admin)/Assistant Haj Officer/ Haj Assistant  to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj -2021 – regarding.
E(NG)I-2021/DP/3 18.01.2021Temporary deputation of Coordinators (Medical)/ Doctors/ Paramedics to Consulate General of India, Saudi Arabia for Haj -2021 – regarding.
E(NG)I/2020/PM1/815.01.202105Eligibility criteria for selection to the post of Chief Law Assistant in Level-7
E(NG)I/2017/PM1/1113.01.202104Filling up the post of Instructors in recognized Training Institutes – Uniform Guidelines
E(NG)I2020/RG/113.01.202103Withdrawal of resignation on Central Government Servants appointed after 31.12.2003 covered under the National Pension System (NPS) – reg.
E(NG)I-2020/RE-3/409.12.2020108Procedure for disposing off the cases of taking voluntary retirement of Medically unfit Railway’s employees- Implementation of Section 20 of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act -2016 ) – clarification regarding.
E(NG)I-2019/PM7/302.11.202094Procedure for filling up the posts of Skilled Artisan against 25% quota.     
E(NG)I/2020/PM1/18 07.10.202087Aptitude Test (earlier Psychological Test) in departmental selection – Calling the candidates on or one day prior to the test
E(NG)I/2020/TR/1601.10.202085Inter-Railway Request Transfer – Hardships being face by the staff- Reg.
E( NG)I-2014/TR/1708.09.202079Filling up of posts in ongoing electrification projects undertaken by CORE.
E(NG)I/2020/PM1/1125.08.202071Grant of promotion with retrospective effect to the empanelled/selected staff against vacancies-reg.
E(NG)I-2020/TR/818.08.202067Periodical Transfer of Railway employee – List of sensitive posts
E(NG)I-2020/TR/207.08.202065Cancellation of Periodical Transfer of Staff
E(NG)I-2020/PM1/906.07.202049General Departmental Competitive Examination(GDCE) for filling up of 25% net direct recruitment quota vacancies in Group ‘C’ categories – Extension of currency upto 31.03.2022.
E(NG)I/2018/PM2/110.06.2020Mode of filling up the posts os Section Controller – Amendment of Para 125 of IREM Vol.I – Corrigendum.
E(NG)I/2018/PM2/129.05.2020RBE-40Mode of Filling up the post of Section Controller- Amendment of Para 125 of IREM Vol.-I
E(NG)I/2017/PM1/1122.05.2020RBE-39Filling up the post of Instructors in recognized Training Institutes- Clarification reg.- corrigendum
E(NG)I-2020/TR/212.05.2020Cancellation of Periodical Transfers of the staff.
E(NG)I/2020/PM/1/226.02.2020RBE-27Discontinuance of Direct Recruitment to the posts of Senior Engineers (SSEs) – clarification reg.
E(NG)I/2019/PM5/1004.02.2020RBE-17Norms/procedure for promotion in the unified cadre of Track Maintainer- Clarification reg. 
E(NG)I/202/PM4/227.01.2020RBE-11Selection for the post of Staff & Welfare Inspector against 35% LDCE quota – Clarification regarding education qualification. 
E(NG)I/2017/PM 1/1114.01.2020RBE-04Filling up the post of Instructors in recognized Training Institutes – Clarification – reg.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/2307.01.2020RBE-03GDCE regarding eligibility of employees of PUs.
E(NG)I/2010/PM 1/1906.01.2020RBE-02Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways – Classification of posts as Safety Categories in electrical and Mechanical Department.
E(NG)I/2017/PM 1/13 Pt.20.12.2019RBE- 213Revision of channels of Promotion(AVC) of non-gazetted staff of various categories – Medical Department – Corrigendum
E(NG)I/2019/PM 1/2019.12.2019MC No.31Promotion of Non-gazetted (Group C) staff to “Selection” posts – Master Circular
E(NG)I-2019/RG 1/Master Circular17.12.2019MC No.21Master Circular on “Resignation from Railway Service”
E(NG)I-2019/DP/3404.12.2019 Temporary Deputation of Coordinators (Medical)/Doctors/Paramedics to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj 2020-regarding.
E(NG)I/2019/DP/3503.12.2019 Temporary deputation of Coordinators(Admin)/Assistant Haj Officer/Haj Assistants to CGI, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj 2020- regarding
E(NG)I/2019/PM 2/18 cc26.11.2019RBE No.203Relieving of Railway employees in time after order for transfer in cases of request transfer
E(NG)I/2017/PM 1/13 Pt.18.11.2019RBE No.198Revision of channels of Promotions (AVC) of Non-gazetted staff of various categories – Medical Department – Corrigendum
E(NG)I/2019/PM7/514.11.2019RBE No.196Clarification regarding provision relating to RRs of Loco Pilots, Shunters, Drivers (Mail & Express) and Loco Inspectors in IREM Vol.I
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/414.11.2019RBE No.194100% objective paper for Departmental Examination – clarification regarding negative marking
E(NG)1-2019/PM4/1311.10.2019RBE No.192Cancellation of selection after declaration of result – Due notice to be given to candidates declared selected.
E(NG)/2014/PM 7/130.10.2019RBE No.184Increasing promotion quota percentage for technician-III posts in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds in Indian Railways-Corrigendum.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/2328.10.2019RBE No.182Timely filling up of vacancies by General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) and Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE).
E(NG)I/2017/PM 1/1322.10.2019RBE-178Revision of channels of Promotion(AVC) of non-gazetted staff of various categories-Medical Department.
E(NG)I-2018/RE-3/314.10.2019RBE No.171Fixation of pay of disabled/medically unfit running staff on being appointed against alternative (stationary) posts in revised (7th CPC) pay structure
E(NG)1-2019/PM/1/1910.10.2019MC No.37Promotion of Non-gazetted (Group-C) staff to Non-selection posts-Policy & Procedure (Master Circular)
E(NG)I-2019/TR/1120.09.2019153Forwarding of one-way  own request transfer applications to other Divisions/Railways.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/406.09.2019 Introduction of 100% objective type paper for Departmental selection – Clarification reg.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/430.08.2019RBE No.143Introduction of 100% objective type paper for Departmental selection – Clarification reg.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/421.08.2019RBE No.139Language of Question Papers of GDCE – Clarification.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/409.09.2019RBE No.149Language of Question Papers of GDCE – Clarification.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/401.08.2019RBE No.122Introduction of 100% objective type paper in Departmental selection – Clarification.
E(NG)I/2019/PM1/6 Master Circular/TT24.07.2019MC No.43Trade Test for promotion in Artisan categories-Master Circular.
E(NG)I-2015/TR/2007.06.2019 Comprehensive Transfer Policy -Exemption from 5 years service condition
E(NG)1/2019/CN5/104.06.2019MC No. 19Confirmation of non-gazetted Railway employees-Master Circular.
E(NG)I/2019/BR/I12.06.2019MC No. 12Procedure for recording date of birth on entering Railway Service and its alteration-Master Circular.
E(NG)I/2016/SR 6/626.08.2019MC No.34Seniority of non-gazetted staff – Master Circular
E(NG)I/2008/PMI/15 Vol.III28.08.2019141Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts- Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2016-Clarification reg.
E(NG)I/2014/PM1/326.08.2019140Guidelines for providing various facilities including allowing scribes to person with disabilities at the time of departmental examination.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/405.08.2019 Introduction of 100% objective type paper in Departmental selection-Clarification.
E(NG)I-2019/PM 1/2523.07.2019117Selection to Group ‘C’ posts in Railways.
E(NG)I/2014/PM 7/112.07.2019113Increasing promotion quota percentage for Technician-III posts in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds in Indian Railways.
E(NG)I/2017/PM1/1104.07.2019110Filling up the posts of Instructors in recognized Training Institutes-Uniform Guidelines-Amendment of Para 215 of IREM Vol.I.
E(NG)I/2011/PM 1/203.07.2019109General Department Competitive Examination (GDCE)- Reiteration of instruction-Action plan for 100 days.
E(NGI/2018/PM 1/402.07.2019105Introduction of 100% objective type paper for promotional examination – Action Plan for 100 days.
E(NG)I-2019/PM 1/2425.06.2019102Initial trainig period-counting towards eligibility for appearing in departmental examination-clarification reg.
E(NG)I-2019/PM 16/119.06.2019101Single Stage examination for filling up the psts of Console Operator (Both PRS & UTS)
E(NG)I/2018/PM/1/414.06.201997Introduction of 100%-Objective Type Multiple Choice paper for Promotional examination.
E(NG)I/2019/BR/112.06.2019 Procedure for recording date of birth on entering Railway Service and its alteration-Master Circular
 E(NG)I-2019/CN5/104.06.2019 Confirmation of non-gazetted Railway employees-Master Circular
E(NG)I-2019/CR/321.05.201983Introduction of provision for writing of APAR of Railway employeesworking in PB-I, Grade Pay of Rs.1900/- Level-2.
E(NG)I/2016/PM/1/1414.05.201981Eligibility criteria for appearing in selection to the post of OS, PB-II GP 4200, against 20% LDCE quota – PNM/AIRF Item No.44/2016
E(NG)I/2017/PM/1/1113.05.201979Filling up the posts of Instructors in recognized Training Institutes-Uniform Guidelines.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/1910.05.201978Scheme of LDCE for filling up 20 % vacancies of OS-II and 13.33% vacancies of Sr.Clerk.
E(NG)I/2011/PM 1/210.05.201977General Departmental Competitive Examination.
E(NG)I/2010/PM 2/609.05.201976Promotional prospects of Pointmen category.
E(NG)I/2019/PM 1/1906.05.201974Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways
E(NG)I-2018/PM1/2302.05.201972General Departmental Competitive Examination-Reservation reg.
E(NG)I-2019/CR/229.04.201969Preparation and Maintenance of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of Non Gazetted Railway servants.
E(NG)I-2018/PM1/2323.04.201965General Department Competitive Examination-Reservation for horizontal categories etc.
E(NG)I/2015/PM 1/1123.04.201963Review of mode of promotion from “Selection” to “Non-Selection” for the post of Shunting Master
E(NG)I/2002/PM 1/3115.04.201961Reviewing the existence mechanism of Psycho test on the basis of Multiple cut-off for Assistant Loco Pilots(ALPs)
E(NG)I-2015/PM 9/609.04.201960Grant of another one time dispensation to Appendix-II qualified Accounts Clerks for promotion to the post of Jr.Accounts Assistant against DR quota.
E(NG)I/2016/PM 1/12 (Pt.)05.04.201959merger of three categories of posts in the Commercial Department viz. Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) & Enquiry-cum-Reservation  Clerk (ECRC)
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/5119.02.201928Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways-Classification of posts as Safety categories in Electrical Department.
E(NG)I/2015/PM1/2005.02.201920Reduction in the residency period for promotion from Grade Pay Rs. 1800/- (Level-1) to Grade Pay Rs. 1900/- (Level-2)
E(NG)I-2019/TR/130.01.2019 Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/rotional transfer.
E(NG)I/2016/PM/1/1821.01.2019 Aptitude Test in Departmental Selection.
E(NG)I/2016/PM1/1816.01.201912Aptitude Test in Departmental Selection.
E(NG)I-2013/CR/111.01.201909Introduction of Provisions for writing of APAR of Railway Employees Working in Grade Pay Rs. 1800/- Level-I
E(NG)I-2018/TR/811.01.201908Comprehensive policy on Mutual Transfer of non-gazetted staff on the Zonal Railways.
E(NG)I/2015/PM I/2008.01.201903Reduction in the residency period for promotion from Grade Pay Rs.1800/- (level-1) to Grade Pay Rs.1900/- (Level-2).
E(NG)I/2018/PM/2/103.01.201901Clarification regarding seniority of Traffic Apprentices vis–vis Station Masters consequent to up-gradation of Post of Assistant Station Master Grade Pay 2800 and its mergeer with the post of Station Masters Grade Pay 4200 Recruited through RRB CEN 03/2015.
E(NG)I-2018/DP/3228.12.2018 Temporary deputation of Doctors/Paramedies to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj 2019.
E(NG)I-2018/DP/3128.12.2018 Temporary deputation of Coordinator/Assistant Haj Officer/Haj Assistant to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj 2019.
E(NG)I-2018/TR/1227.12.2018206Transfer of Non-gazetted staff from one Department to another Department – Delegation of posers to Chief Workshop Managers
E(NG)/2018/PM1/414.12.2018196Introduction of 100%-Objective Paper for promotional examination to expedite and simplify examination process.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/6507.12.2018190Promotion process reforms-Amendment to Para 214(c)(ii) and Para 214(c)(v) of IREM Vol.1-Modification of vacancy anticipation period and panel initiation frequency for posts filled by non-selection process.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/6330.11.2018187Promotion process reforms-Constitution of Selection Board-Amendment to para 218(c) of IREM Vol.I, 2009 Reprint Edition.
E(NG)I-2009/TR/728.11.2018182Periodical Transfer of non-gazetted Railway employees in Commercial Deptt.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/6227.11.2018179Promotion process reforms-Amendment to para 219(i) of IREM Vol.I, Reprint Edition, 2009.
E(NG)I/2012/PM1/2220.11.2018177Modification in the AVC for promotion to Goods Guards in Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-(Level-5)
E(NG)I/2012/PM1/2215.11.2018177/2018Modification in the AVC for promotion to Goods Guards in Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-(Level-5)
E(NG)I-2018/TR/826.10.2018Mutual Transfer involving employees working in two different grades.
E(NG)I-2016/PM1/1217.10.2018161/2018Filling up of posts of Station Master in GP Rs.4600/- Level 7 – classfication of post – reg.
E(NG)I-2018/TR/1417.09.2018139One-way request transfer on out-of-turn basis.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1503.09.2018161Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC-Merger of grades-Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts.
E(NG)I-2018/TR/1224.08.2018120Transfer of Non-gazetted staff from one Department to another Department-Delegation of powers to Divisional Railway Managers.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/2302.08.2018112General Departmental Competitive Examination-Consolidated instructions.-reg.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/2302.08.2018111Timely filling up of vacancies by General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) and Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE).
E(NG)I-2017/TR/1909.07.2018 Mutual transfer of staff in Level-I (GP Rs.1800/-) belonging to two different cadres/deptts.
E(NG)I/2012/PM5/128.06.201885Norms /Procedure for future promotion in the unified cadre of Track maintainers.
E(NG)I-2015/PMB/125.05.201872Promotional Avenue of ESMs in S&T Department
E(NG)I-2018/PMI/214.05.201869Allowing staff of Technicians category in Grade Pay Rs.1800 working in EMU, DMU and MEMU Sheds to volunteer for selection against 50% quota of ALPs.
E(NG)I/2017/TR/2409.05.201865Relieving of staff on transfer on mutual exchange basis.
E(NG)I/2011/PM1/210.04.201857General Department Competitive Examination(GDCE) for filling up of 25% net direct recruitment quota vacancies in Group’C’ categories – Extension of currency upto 31.03.2018
E(NG)I-2015/PM8/126.03.201848Promotional Avenue of ESMs in S&T Department.
E(NG)I-2018/CR/227.02.201829Providing opportunity for submitting representation to the employees who have been awarded below “Very Good” Grading in their last three years APARs (for the purpose of MACPs)
E(NG)I-2016/PM1/2227.02.201830Modification in the AVC for promotion to Goods Guard in Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- (Level-5)
E(NG)I-2016/PM1/12 Pt.22.02.201828Revision of cadre structure and staffing pattern due to merger of three categories of posts in the Commercial Department over Indian Railways-viz Ticket Checking(TC), Commercial Clerk (CC), and Enquiry-cum-Reservation-Clerk (ECRC).
E(NG)I-2016/PM1/1216.02.201822Amendment to Para 122 of IREM- Provision regarding filling up posts of Station Masters.
E(NG)I-2016/IC-2/219.01.201807Recording of higher academic/educational qualification in the Service Record of employees recruited through RRBs.
E(NG)I-2016/IC-2/207.12.2017191/2017Recording of higher academic/educational qualification in the Service Record of employees recruited through RRBs.
E(NG)I-2010/PM1/1918.10.2017152/2017Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways – Classification of posts as Safety Categories in Civil Engineering Department.
E(NG)I-2014/TR/2405.10.2017143/2017Filling up of posts in ongoing electrification projects undertaken by CORE.
E(NG)I-2017/TR/2422.09.2017131/2017Inter-Railway Mutual Transfer.
E(NG)I-2017/TR/2318.08.201797/2017Transfer of Sportspersons on request from one seniority unit to another unit against direct recruitment quota.
E(NG)I-2016/AP/207.03.201721/2017Technical Resignation  & Lien-Consolidated guidelines.
E(NG)I-2015/TR/2010.02.201712/2017Comprehensive Transfer Policy – Exemption from 5 years service condition
E(NG)I-2015/CFP/716.01.201702/2017Exemption from passing the Typewriting Test – Implementation of instructions of DOP&T.
E(NG)I-2014/PM7/114.01.201607/2016Increasing Promotion Quota percentage for Technician III posts in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds on Indian Railways from existing 20% to 25%.
E(NG)I-2014/PM7/118.12.2015159/2015Increasing Promotion Quota percentage for Technician III posts in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds on Indian Railways from existing 20% to 25%.
E(NG)I-2010/PM4/310.11.2015142/2015Procedure for conducting Stenography Skill Test on Personal Computers for filling up of post of Stenographers
E(NG)I-2010/PM4/310.11.2015141/2015Procedure for conducting Stenography Skill Test for filling up of post of Stenographers – Amendment to para 176 of Indian Railways Establishment Manual, Vol. I.
E(NG)I-2014/PM1/329.10.2015136/2015Guidelines for providing various facilities including allowing scribes to person with disabilities at the time of departmental examination.
E(NG)I-2012/PM5/210.09.2015102/2015Filling up the post of Bridge inspector Grade-III/Junior Engineer (Bridge) with G.P. Rs. 4200- Change in the recruitment pattern in the Bridge Department under Civil Engineering –regarding.
E(NG)I-2015/RE-3/212.06.201561/2015Absorption of medically unfit staff of RPF/RPSF in alternative post-Regarding.
E( NG)I-2008/PM1/610.06.201560/2015Scheme of General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up of 25%-50% of net direct recruitment quota vacancies in group ‘C’ categories – Partial shift in the duty of agency conducting GDCE regarding.
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/2605.05.201543/2015Selection procedure for promotion to Selection Posts- Formation of panel in the order of seniority amongst those securing qualifying marks.
E(NG)I-2014/PM7/509.04.201534/2015Residency period of promotion from Goods Driver to Sr. Goods Guard, Passenger Guard to Sr. Passenger Guard & ALP to Sr. ALP.
E(NG)I-2014/TR/1407.04.201533/2015Delay in promotion of staff for want of service records/ACRs of staff transferred from/to other Division/Zones- remedial measures- Regarding. 
E(NG)I-2003/TR/10/Pt III02.03.201513/2015New Catering Policy 2010- Repatriation of 188 Deemed Deputationist Officials (DDOs) to Railways from IRCTC. 
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1531.12.2014150/2014Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- Merger of grades-revised classification and modes of filling up of non-gazetted posts-Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2013.
E(NG)I-2013/CR/130.12.2014148/2014Introduction of provision for writing of APAR all Railway employees working in PB-I, 5200-20200, GP Rs. 1900- regarding
E(NG)I-2014/TR/1210.12.2014137/2014Posting of Government employees who have differently abled dependents- reg.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/614.11.2014128/2014Scheme of general departmental competitive examination (GDCE) for filling up of 25%-50% of net direct recruitment quota vacancy in Group ‘C’ categories-Partial shift in the duty of agency conducting GDCE regarding.
E(NG)I-2007/PM5/529.10.2014120/2014Merger of Senior permanent Way Superior (Sr. P.Way) with Junior Engineer (P.Way)-revised guidelines for induction to JE/P.Way.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/620.10.2014113/2014Scheme of general departmental competitive examination (GDCE) for filling up of 25%-50% of net direct recruitment quota vacancy in Group ‘C’ Categories-Partial shift in the duty of agency conduction GDCE regarding
E(NG)I-2012/PM5/114.10.2014111/2014Norms/procedure for future promotion in the unified cadre of Track Maintainers
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/216.09.2014101/2014Liberalization of GDCE scheme from 25% to 50% to give chance to brilliant staff available with the Railways recruited through RRCs
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/212.09.201498/2014General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up of 25% net direct recruitment quota vacancies in Group ‘C’ categories- Extension up to 31.03.2016.
E(NG)I-2010/PM1/1610.09.201497/2014Inserting a general provision in IREM for diversion of unfilled vacancies to LDCE/GDCE or DR quota
E(NG)I-2014/PM1/301.09.2014Corrigendum:-Guidelines for providing various facilities including allowing scribes to person with disabilities at the time of departmental examination.
E(NG)I-2014/PM1/301.09.201443/2014Guidelines for providing various facilities including allowing scribes to person with disabilities at the time of departmental examination.
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/1627.08.201490/2014Guidelines for Personnel Officers and Members of Selection Board constituted for conducting selection for promotion to posts classified as “Selection”.
E(NG)I-2008/MP1/1507.08.201487/2014Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- Merger of grades-revised classification and modes of filling up of non-gazetted posts-Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2013.
E(NG)I-2014/TR/1201.08.201485/2014Posting of Government employees who have differently abled dependents- reg.
E(NG)I-2013/TR/725.07.201482/2014Request transfer of employees from one seniority unit to other seniority unit in GP Rs. 1800 (PB-1) without insisting minimum education classifications of class X or ITI or equivalent.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1516.06.201463/2014Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- Merger of grades-revised classification and modes of filling up of non-gazetted posts-Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2013.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1419.05.201449/2014Ad-hoc promotion of staff in construction and other projects
ERP/Portal-Transfer /201330.04.2014Request for mutual transfer by Railway employees
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/1612.03.201426/2014Guidelines for Personnel Officers and Members Selection Boards constituted for conducting selections for promotion to posts classified as “Selection”.
E(NG)I-1999/PM7/324.02.201421/2014Filling up of promotion quota vacancies in the category of JE with GP 4200 in various engineering departments-allowing technicians-I (GP 2800/-) to the post of JE.
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/2606.02.201417/2014Selection procedure for promotion to selection posts-formation of panel in the order of seniority amongst those securing qualifying marks
E(NG)I-2010/PM1/2203.01.201402/2013Classification of Railway Services consequent upon introduction of RS (RP) rules 2008- Eligibility for selection to Group ‘C’ in general categories
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15 Vol.III03.01.201401/2014Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- Merger of grades-revised classification and modes of filling up of non-gazetted posts-Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2013.
E(NG)I-99/CFP/23 (Vol.III)14.11.2013121/2013Induction of Trackmen into other departments-Revision of age limit regarding.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15 Vol.III04.11.2013117/2013Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- modalities of effecting promotion to Parliament catering staff
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1414.10.2013107/2013Ad.hoc promotion of staff in construction and other projects
E(NG)I-2012/PM1/530.08.201384/2013Promotion of Railway employees-  consideration of ACRs.
E(NG)I-2012/PM5/113.08.201381/2013Norms/ procedure for future promotion in the unified cadre of Track Maintainers
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/406.08.2013Conducting selections for promotion to posts classified as selection-awarding marks for seniority.
E(NG)I-2012/PM1/1518.06.201357/2013System improvement in conduct of departmental selections-bservations and adherence of guidelines for more transparency
E(NG)I 2008/RE-3/430.04.201341/2013Fixation of pay of disabled/medically unfit running staff on being appointed against alternative (Stationary) posts in revised 6th CPC pay structure
E(NG)I-2011/CFP/1019/02/201313/2013Procedure for selection for promotion from GP Rs. 1800 to GP Rs. 1900 against departmental promotion quota
E(NG)I-2012/RE-3/821.01.2013 The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 – Absorption of disabled/medically de-categorised staff in alternative employment.
E(NG)I-99/CFP/23 (Vol.II)02.08.201286/2012Induction of Trackmen into other departments-Revision of age limit regarding.
E(NG)I-2009/TR/7 03.04.201248/2012Periodical transfer of non-gazetted railway employees
E(NG)I-2011/RE-3/1203.02.201214/2012Replacement of the terminology “Medical Decategorisation”  as “Alternative Employment on Medical Ground” in Chapter-XIII-IREM Vol.I, Revised Edition-1989, First Reprint Edition-2009.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/521.11.2011158/2011Implementation of Recommendations of 6th CPC – Merger of grades -Revised Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts -Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2011.
E(NG)I-2009/RE-3/905.10.2011138/2011Fixation of pay of medically decategorised running staff while kept on supernumerary posts.
E(NG)I-2008/IC-2/102.05.201155/2011Incentive for acquiring higher Scientific/Accounts/Technical Qualification of Group C employees.
E(NG)I-2008?PM1/1506.04.201144/2011Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- merger of Grades
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/229.03.201141/2011General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE)
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/522.03.201138/2011Merger of grades – filling up of non-gazetted posts
E(NG)I-1999/PM7/1704.02.201120/2011Filling up of posts of JE-II in pre revised grade Rs.5000-8000
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1503.11.2010160/2010Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC
E(NG)I-1999/PM7/1709.06.201085/2010Filling up of posts of JE-II in pre revised grade Rs.5000-8000
No. E(NG)I-2004/CFP/804.02.201119/2011Procedure for conducting typewriting test on computers.
No. E(NG)I-2000/PM10/228.02.2011 29/2011Filling up of the posts of Dresser Gr.III/Operation Theatre Assistant Gr.III in the PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.1900 in the medical department.
No.E(NG)I-2006/PM10/211.03.2011 34/2011Promotion to the post of Laboratory Superintendent Gr.III-Medical Department.
E(NG)I-2006/PM 10/211.03.201134/2011Promotion to the post of Laboratory Superintendent Gr.III- Medical Department.
E(NG)I-2000/PM10/228.02.201129/2011Filling up of the post of Dresser Gr.III/Operation Theatre Assistant Gr. III in the PB1 Rs. 5200-20200 GP Rs.1900 in the Medical Department.
E(NG)I-2004/CFP/804.02.201119/2011Procedure for conducting typewriting test on computers.
E(NG)I-2003/TR/1028.12.2010187/2010New Catering policy -2010- Restoration of catering posts transferred to IRCTC.
E(NG)I-2000/PM1/4128.07.2010105/2010Procedure for holding selection to the post of Gangmate in Civil Engineering Department
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1522.07.2010103/2010Implementaton of recommendations of 6th CPC-Merger of grades-Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts-Scheme for filling up of vacancies-Classification of left over categories
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15 Vol II07.06.201081/2010Implementation of Recommendations of 6th CPC – Merger of grades -Revised Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts -Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 01.09.2009
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1511.01.201008/2010Implementation of recommedation of 6th CPC merger of grades promotion within the same grade pay- Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts – Status of panels finalized/selection initiated earlier etc.
E(NG)I-2003/PM1/3718.03.201041/2010Retention period of evaluated Answer Sheets of examination conducted for Departmental Promotions – Promotions within and to Group’C’ posts & suitability Test for C.G. appointments.
E(NG)I-2009/TR/2902.02.201023/2010Posting of husband and wife at the same station
E(NG)I-2008/PM7/4 SLP19.06.2009113/2009Selection Procedure for promotion to General Selection Posts – Placement of names on panel – Instructions regarding.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1524.04.200970/2009Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC-Merger of grades promotion within the same grade pay-clarification regarding.
E(NG)I-2004/TR/1622.10.2007134/2007Transfer from one railway/division/unit to another railway/division/unit on request on bottom seniority and on mutual exchange basis
E(NG)I/2006/TR/1825.09.2007 Change of category to Commercial and other Non-Technical Popular categories
E(NG)I-2002/PM1/31 Vol. II20.03.200744/2007Aptitude test (earlier Psychological Test) in departmental selections – Calling the candidates a day prior to the test.
E(NG)I-2004/RE-3/904.01,200704/2007The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 – Absorption of disabled/medically decategorised staff in alternative employement.
E(NG)I-2006/PM 1/3406.11.2006168/2006Written examinations conducted for promotion within and to Group ‘C’ –Preparation of question Banks
E(NG)I-2006/PM 1/422.09.2006139/2006Procedure for holding selections to posts classified as selection – deletion of heading “Personality, Address, Leadership, and Academic/Technical Qualification” from the selection procedure.
E(NG)I-2006/PM 1/1830.08.2006123/2006Introduction of Objective Type Questions in the written test held as part of selection for promotion to the posts classified as ‘Selection’ for promotion to posts classified as selection –extending the provision of 50% objective type questions to lower grade selection posts.
E(NG)I-2004/RE-3/931.07.2006104/06The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 – Absorption of disabled/medically de-categorised staff in alternative employment.
E(NG)I-2004/PM 5/828.06.200686/2006Avenue of Promotion of Artisan Staff in Works Department to the posts of junior Engineer (works)II-Introduction of inter Apprentice quota. 
E(NG)I-2006/PM 7/623.03.200636/2006Lateral induction of skilled artisan Gr. III in the posts of Asstt. Loco Pilot (Diesel/Elect.)
E(NG)I-2006/PM1/422.03.200635/2006Procedure for holding selections to posts classified as selection – deletion of heading “Personality, Address, Leadership, and Academic/Technical Qualification” from the selection procedure. 
E(NG)I-2002/TR/19 23.02.200624/2006Periodical transfer of railway employees- list of sensitive posts
E(NG)I-2004/RE-3/907.12.2005210/2005The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
E(NG)I/2004/RE-3/931.05.200593/2005The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
 E(NG)I-2002/PM1/3129.03.200557/2005Psychological test in Departmental selections.
E(NG)I-2004/PM1/1927.08.2004191/2004Ex-cadre posts in Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ – Procedure for filling up – Observance of tenure regarding.
E(NG)I-2000 /SR 6/2325.05.2004105/2004Assignment at seniority to redeployed surplus staff .
E(NG)I-2003/RE-3/901.01.20042/2004Absorption of medically decategorised staff in alternative posts.
E(NG)I-2003/CFP/222.09.2003165/2003Procedure for holding selections for promotion from Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ posts
E(NG)I-2002/PM1/3122.08.2003144/03Psychological test in Departmental selections.
E(NG)I-2002/RE-3/1030.06.2003112/2003Absorption of medically decategorised staff in alternative employement – Implementation of revised procedure prescribed in pursuance of the “Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995
E(NG)I-99/PM7/1723.06.2003108/2003Selection of Intermediate Apprentices form amongst skilled Artisans for absorption as JE Gr. II in the pay scale of Rs. 5000-8000 in various departments.
E(NG)I-2001/RE-3/918.09.2002159/2002The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
E(NG)I-2001/RE-3/526.06.200292/2002Protection of grade and status of Medically de-categorised employees-faulty implementation of Railway Board’s instructions dated 29.04.1999
E(NG)I-2001/RE-3/504.03.2002 Protection of grade and status of Medically de-categorised employees-faulty implementation of Railway Board’s order dated 29.04.1999
 E(NG)I-2001/RE-3/603,12.2001 Absorption in alternative employement of medically decategorised staff
E(NG)I-2001/CR/722.08.2001172/2001Preparation and maintenance of Confidential Reports on non-gazetted Railway Servants.
E(NG)I-2000/RE-3/531.07.2001149/2001The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
E(NG)I-96/RE-3/9 11.12.2000213/2000Absorption of Medically de-categorised/disabled staff in alternative employement.
E(NG)I/2000/TR/1726.06.2000123/2000Periodical transfer of railway employees
E(NG)I-99/TR/158.2.200024/2000Transfer on request on bottom seniority – amendment in Indian Railway Establishment Manual
E(NG)I-98/PM1/1720.10.199927/1999Guidelines for Personnel Officers and Members of Selection Boards constituted for conducting selection for promotion to posts classified as “Selection”.
E(NG)I/96/RE3/9(2)29.04.199989/1999The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
E(NG)I-1996/RG 1/117.02.199728/1997Re-appointment in Group ‘C’ Categories
E(NG)I-96/TR/28 06.12.1996122/96Inter railway and Intra railway transfers on request
E(NG)I-1991/RG 1/130.04.199266/92Re-appointment in Group ‘C’ Categories
E(NG)I-91/TR/1311.02.1992 Posting of Physically Handicapped candidates
E(NG)I-1991/RG 1/127.12.1991223/91 
E(NG)I/87/TR/34/NFIR/JCM/DC27.09.1989244/89Periodical Transfer of railway employees
E(NG)I/81/CR/530.09.1981Instructions for preparation and maintenance of confidential reports on non-gazetted Railway servants.
E(NG)I-96/AP/2 (2)16.08.1999 Amendment to Indian Railway Estabhlishment Manual
E(NG) 57B01/5621.01.1961 Forwarding of applications from serving Railway employees for posts outside the Railways
Letter NoDateRBE No.Subject
E(NG)I-2021/CR/122.06.202142/2021Extension of timeline for submission of Annual performance Assessment Report (APAR) in respect of Group ‘C’ personnel of Indian Railway for the year 2020-21 – regarding.
E(NG)I-2020/TR/222.06.202140/2021Cancellation of periodical transfer of Staff.
E(NG)I-2020/PM1/805.05.202126/2021Eligibility criteria for selection to the post of Chief Law Assistant in Level-7
E(NG)I-2020/TR/231.03.202125Cancellation of Periodical Transfer of Staff.
E(NG)I/2018/CFP/504.03.202116Eligibility criteria for selection to the post of Commercial-cum-Ticket Clerk, GP Rs.2000(Level-I) against 33-1/3% and 16-2/3 quotas
E(NG)I-2010/PM1/19 Duplicate23.02.202111Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways – Classification of posts as Safety Categories in Traffic Transportation Department (Operating Department).      2. Date of Issue: 23.02.2
E(NG)I-2021/TR/Misc. 122.01.2021 Compilation of data of front-line workers for COVID-19 vaccination
 E(NG)I-2021/DP/218.01.2021Temporary deputation of Coordinators (Admin)/Assistant Haj Officer/ Haj Assistant  to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj -2021 – regarding.
E(NG)I-2021/DP/3 18.01.2021Temporary deputation of Coordinators (Medical)/ Doctors/ Paramedics to Consulate General of India, Saudi Arabia for Haj -2021 – regarding.
E(NG)I/2020/PM1/815.01.202105Eligibility criteria for selection to the post of Chief Law Assistant in Level-7
E(NG)I/2017/PM1/1113.01.202104Filling up the post of Instructors in recognized Training Institutes – Uniform Guidelines
E(NG)I2020/RG/113.01.202103Withdrawal of resignation on Central Government Servants appointed after 31.12.2003 covered under the National Pension System (NPS) – reg.
E(NG)I-2020/RE-3/409.12.2020108Procedure for disposing off the cases of taking voluntary retirement of Medically unfit Railway’s employees- Implementation of Section 20 of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act -2016 ) – clarification regarding.
E(NG)I-2019/PM7/302.11.202094Procedure for filling up the posts of Skilled Artisan against 25% quota.     
E(NG)I/2020/PM1/18 07.10.202087Aptitude Test (earlier Psychological Test) in departmental selection – Calling the candidates on or one day prior to the test
E(NG)I/2020/TR/1601.10.202085Inter-Railway Request Transfer – Hardships being face by the staff- Reg.
E( NG)I-2014/TR/1708.09.202079Filling up of posts in ongoing electrification projects undertaken by CORE.
E(NG)I/2020/PM1/1125.08.202071Grant of promotion with retrospective effect to the empanelled/selected staff against vacancies-reg.
E(NG)I-2020/TR/818.08.202067Periodical Transfer of Railway employee – List of sensitive posts
E(NG)I-2020/TR/207.08.202065Cancellation of Periodical Transfer of Staff
E(NG)I-2020/PM1/906.07.202049General Departmental Competitive Examination(GDCE) for filling up of 25% net direct recruitment quota vacancies in Group ‘C’ categories – Extension of currency upto 31.03.2022.
E(NG)I/2018/PM2/110.06.2020Mode of filling up the posts os Section Controller – Amendment of Para 125 of IREM Vol.I – Corrigendum.
E(NG)I/2018/PM2/129.05.2020RBE-40Mode of Filling up the post of Section Controller- Amendment of Para 125 of IREM Vol.-I
E(NG)I/2017/PM1/1122.05.2020RBE-39Filling up the post of Instructors in recognized Training Institutes- Clarification reg.- corrigendum
E(NG)I-2020/TR/212.05.2020Cancellation of Periodical Transfers of the staff.
E(NG)I/2020/PM/1/226.02.2020RBE-27Discontinuance of Direct Recruitment to the posts of Senior Engineers (SSEs) – clarification reg.
E(NG)I/2019/PM5/1004.02.2020RBE-17Norms/procedure for promotion in the unified cadre of Track Maintainer- Clarification reg. 
E(NG)I/202/PM4/227.01.2020RBE-11Selection for the post of Staff & Welfare Inspector against 35% LDCE quota – Clarification regarding education qualification. 
E(NG)I/2017/PM 1/1114.01.2020RBE-04Filling up the post of Instructors in recognized Training Institutes – Clarification – reg.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/2307.01.2020RBE-03GDCE regarding eligibility of employees of PUs.
E(NG)I/2010/PM 1/1906.01.2020RBE-02Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways – Classification of posts as Safety Categories in electrical and Mechanical Department.
E(NG)I/2017/PM 1/13 Pt.20.12.2019RBE- 213Revision of channels of Promotion(AVC) of non-gazetted staff of various categories – Medical Department – Corrigendum
E(NG)I/2019/PM 1/2019.12.2019MC No.31Promotion of Non-gazetted (Group C) staff to “Selection” posts – Master Circular
E(NG)I-2019/RG 1/Master Circular17.12.2019MC No.21Master Circular on “Resignation from Railway Service”
E(NG)I-2019/DP/3404.12.2019 Temporary Deputation of Coordinators (Medical)/Doctors/Paramedics to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj 2020-regarding.
E(NG)I/2019/DP/3503.12.2019 Temporary deputation of Coordinators(Admin)/Assistant Haj Officer/Haj Assistants to CGI, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj 2020- regarding
E(NG)I/2019/PM 2/18 cc26.11.2019RBE No.203Relieving of Railway employees in time after order for transfer in cases of request transfer
E(NG)I/2017/PM 1/13 Pt.18.11.2019RBE No.198Revision of channels of Promotions (AVC) of Non-gazetted staff of various categories – Medical Department – Corrigendum
E(NG)I/2019/PM7/514.11.2019RBE No.196Clarification regarding provision relating to RRs of Loco Pilots, Shunters, Drivers (Mail & Express) and Loco Inspectors in IREM Vol.I
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/414.11.2019RBE No.194100% objective paper for Departmental Examination – clarification regarding negative marking
E(NG)1-2019/PM4/1311.10.2019RBE No.192Cancellation of selection after declaration of result – Due notice to be given to candidates declared selected.
E(NG)/2014/PM 7/130.10.2019RBE No.184Increasing promotion quota percentage for technician-III posts in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds in Indian Railways-Corrigendum.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/2328.10.2019RBE No.182Timely filling up of vacancies by General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) and Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE).
E(NG)I/2017/PM 1/1322.10.2019RBE-178Revision of channels of Promotion(AVC) of non-gazetted staff of various categories-Medical Department.
E(NG)I-2018/RE-3/314.10.2019RBE No.171Fixation of pay of disabled/medically unfit running staff on being appointed against alternative (stationary) posts in revised (7th CPC) pay structure
E(NG)1-2019/PM/1/1910.10.2019MC No.37Promotion of Non-gazetted (Group-C) staff to Non-selection posts-Policy & Procedure (Master Circular)
E(NG)I-2019/TR/1120.09.2019153Forwarding of one-way  own request transfer applications to other Divisions/Railways.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/406.09.2019 Introduction of 100% objective type paper for Departmental selection – Clarification reg.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/430.08.2019RBE No.143Introduction of 100% objective type paper for Departmental selection – Clarification reg.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/421.08.2019RBE No.139Language of Question Papers of GDCE – Clarification.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/409.09.2019RBE No.149Language of Question Papers of GDCE – Clarification.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/401.08.2019RBE No.122Introduction of 100% objective type paper in Departmental selection – Clarification.
E(NG)I/2019/PM1/6 Master Circular/TT24.07.2019MC No.43Trade Test for promotion in Artisan categories-Master Circular.
E(NG)I-2015/TR/2007.06.2019 Comprehensive Transfer Policy -Exemption from 5 years service condition
E(NG)1/2019/CN5/104.06.2019MC No. 19Confirmation of non-gazetted Railway employees-Master Circular.
E(NG)I/2019/BR/I12.06.2019MC No. 12Procedure for recording date of birth on entering Railway Service and its alteration-Master Circular.
E(NG)I/2016/SR 6/626.08.2019MC No.34Seniority of non-gazetted staff – Master Circular
E(NG)I/2008/PMI/15 Vol.III28.08.2019141Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts- Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2016-Clarification reg.
E(NG)I/2014/PM1/326.08.2019140Guidelines for providing various facilities including allowing scribes to person with disabilities at the time of departmental examination.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/405.08.2019 Introduction of 100% objective type paper in Departmental selection-Clarification.
E(NG)I-2019/PM 1/2523.07.2019117Selection to Group ‘C’ posts in Railways.
E(NG)I/2014/PM 7/112.07.2019113Increasing promotion quota percentage for Technician-III posts in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds in Indian Railways.
E(NG)I/2017/PM1/1104.07.2019110Filling up the posts of Instructors in recognized Training Institutes-Uniform Guidelines-Amendment of Para 215 of IREM Vol.I.
E(NG)I/2011/PM 1/203.07.2019109General Department Competitive Examination (GDCE)- Reiteration of instruction-Action plan for 100 days.
E(NGI/2018/PM 1/402.07.2019105Introduction of 100% objective type paper for promotional examination – Action Plan for 100 days.
E(NG)I-2019/PM 1/2425.06.2019102Initial trainig period-counting towards eligibility for appearing in departmental examination-clarification reg.
E(NG)I-2019/PM 16/119.06.2019101Single Stage examination for filling up the psts of Console Operator (Both PRS & UTS)
E(NG)I/2018/PM/1/414.06.201997Introduction of 100%-Objective Type Multiple Choice paper for Promotional examination.
E(NG)I/2019/BR/112.06.2019 Procedure for recording date of birth on entering Railway Service and its alteration-Master Circular
 E(NG)I-2019/CN5/104.06.2019 Confirmation of non-gazetted Railway employees-Master Circular
E(NG)I-2019/CR/321.05.201983Introduction of provision for writing of APAR of Railway employeesworking in PB-I, Grade Pay of Rs.1900/- Level-2.
E(NG)I/2016/PM/1/1414.05.201981Eligibility criteria for appearing in selection to the post of OS, PB-II GP 4200, against 20% LDCE quota – PNM/AIRF Item No.44/2016
E(NG)I/2017/PM/1/1113.05.201979Filling up the posts of Instructors in recognized Training Institutes-Uniform Guidelines.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/1910.05.201978Scheme of LDCE for filling up 20 % vacancies of OS-II and 13.33% vacancies of Sr.Clerk.
E(NG)I/2011/PM 1/210.05.201977General Departmental Competitive Examination.
E(NG)I/2010/PM 2/609.05.201976Promotional prospects of Pointmen category.
E(NG)I/2019/PM 1/1906.05.201974Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways
E(NG)I-2018/PM1/2302.05.201972General Departmental Competitive Examination-Reservation reg.
E(NG)I-2019/CR/229.04.201969Preparation and Maintenance of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of Non Gazetted Railway servants.
E(NG)I-2018/PM1/2323.04.201965General Department Competitive Examination-Reservation for horizontal categories etc.
E(NG)I/2015/PM 1/1123.04.201963Review of mode of promotion from “Selection” to “Non-Selection” for the post of Shunting Master
E(NG)I/2002/PM 1/3115.04.201961Reviewing the existence mechanism of Psycho test on the basis of Multiple cut-off for Assistant Loco Pilots(ALPs)
E(NG)I-2015/PM 9/609.04.201960Grant of another one time dispensation to Appendix-II qualified Accounts Clerks for promotion to the post of Jr.Accounts Assistant against DR quota.
E(NG)I/2016/PM 1/12 (Pt.)05.04.201959merger of three categories of posts in the Commercial Department viz. Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) & Enquiry-cum-Reservation  Clerk (ECRC)
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/5119.02.201928Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways-Classification of posts as Safety categories in Electrical Department.
E(NG)I/2015/PM1/2005.02.201920Reduction in the residency period for promotion from Grade Pay Rs. 1800/- (Level-1) to Grade Pay Rs. 1900/- (Level-2)
E(NG)I-2019/TR/130.01.2019 Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/rotional transfer.
E(NG)I/2016/PM/1/1821.01.2019 Aptitude Test in Departmental Selection.
E(NG)I/2016/PM1/1816.01.201912Aptitude Test in Departmental Selection.
E(NG)I-2013/CR/111.01.201909Introduction of Provisions for writing of APAR of Railway Employees Working in Grade Pay Rs. 1800/- Level-I
E(NG)I-2018/TR/811.01.201908Comprehensive policy on Mutual Transfer of non-gazetted staff on the Zonal Railways.
E(NG)I/2015/PM I/2008.01.201903Reduction in the residency period for promotion from Grade Pay Rs.1800/- (level-1) to Grade Pay Rs.1900/- (Level-2).
E(NG)I/2018/PM/2/103.01.201901Clarification regarding seniority of Traffic Apprentices vis–vis Station Masters consequent to up-gradation of Post of Assistant Station Master Grade Pay 2800 and its mergeer with the post of Station Masters Grade Pay 4200 Recruited through RRB CEN 03/2015.
E(NG)I-2018/DP/3228.12.2018 Temporary deputation of Doctors/Paramedies to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj 2019.
E(NG)I-2018/DP/3128.12.2018 Temporary deputation of Coordinator/Assistant Haj Officer/Haj Assistant to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj 2019.
E(NG)I-2018/TR/1227.12.2018206Transfer of Non-gazetted staff from one Department to another Department – Delegation of posers to Chief Workshop Managers
E(NG)/2018/PM1/414.12.2018196Introduction of 100%-Objective Paper for promotional examination to expedite and simplify examination process.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/6507.12.2018190Promotion process reforms-Amendment to Para 214(c)(ii) and Para 214(c)(v) of IREM Vol.1-Modification of vacancy anticipation period and panel initiation frequency for posts filled by non-selection process.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/6330.11.2018187Promotion process reforms-Constitution of Selection Board-Amendment to para 218(c) of IREM Vol.I, 2009 Reprint Edition.
E(NG)I-2009/TR/728.11.2018182Periodical Transfer of non-gazetted Railway employees in Commercial Deptt.
E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/6227.11.2018179Promotion process reforms-Amendment to para 219(i) of IREM Vol.I, Reprint Edition, 2009.
E(NG)I/2012/PM1/2220.11.2018177Modification in the AVC for promotion to Goods Guards in Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-(Level-5)
E(NG)I/2012/PM1/2215.11.2018177/2018Modification in the AVC for promotion to Goods Guards in Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-(Level-5)
E(NG)I-2018/TR/826.10.2018Mutual Transfer involving employees working in two different grades.
E(NG)I-2016/PM1/1217.10.2018161/2018Filling up of posts of Station Master in GP Rs.4600/- Level 7 – classfication of post – reg.
E(NG)I-2018/TR/1417.09.2018139One-way request transfer on out-of-turn basis.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1503.09.2018161Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC-Merger of grades-Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts.
E(NG)I-2018/TR/1224.08.2018120Transfer of Non-gazetted staff from one Department to another Department-Delegation of powers to Divisional Railway Managers.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/2302.08.2018112General Departmental Competitive Examination-Consolidated instructions.-reg.
E(NG)I/2018/PM1/2302.08.2018111Timely filling up of vacancies by General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) and Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE).
E(NG)I-2017/TR/1909.07.2018 Mutual transfer of staff in Level-I (GP Rs.1800/-) belonging to two different cadres/deptts.
E(NG)I/2012/PM5/128.06.201885Norms /Procedure for future promotion in the unified cadre of Track maintainers.
E(NG)I-2015/PMB/125.05.201872Promotional Avenue of ESMs in S&T Department
E(NG)I-2018/PMI/214.05.201869Allowing staff of Technicians category in Grade Pay Rs.1800 working in EMU, DMU and MEMU Sheds to volunteer for selection against 50% quota of ALPs.
E(NG)I/2017/TR/2409.05.201865Relieving of staff on transfer on mutual exchange basis.
E(NG)I/2011/PM1/210.04.201857General Department Competitive Examination(GDCE) for filling up of 25% net direct recruitment quota vacancies in Group’C’ categories – Extension of currency upto 31.03.2018
E(NG)I-2015/PM8/126.03.201848Promotional Avenue of ESMs in S&T Department.
E(NG)I-2018/CR/227.02.201829Providing opportunity for submitting representation to the employees who have been awarded below “Very Good” Grading in their last three years APARs (for the purpose of MACPs)
E(NG)I-2016/PM1/2227.02.201830Modification in the AVC for promotion to Goods Guard in Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- (Level-5)
E(NG)I-2016/PM1/12 Pt.22.02.201828Revision of cadre structure and staffing pattern due to merger of three categories of posts in the Commercial Department over Indian Railways-viz Ticket Checking(TC), Commercial Clerk (CC), and Enquiry-cum-Reservation-Clerk (ECRC).
E(NG)I-2016/PM1/1216.02.201822Amendment to Para 122 of IREM- Provision regarding filling up posts of Station Masters.
E(NG)I-2016/IC-2/219.01.201807Recording of higher academic/educational qualification in the Service Record of employees recruited through RRBs.
E(NG)I-2016/IC-2/207.12.2017191/2017Recording of higher academic/educational qualification in the Service Record of employees recruited through RRBs.
E(NG)I-2010/PM1/1918.10.2017152/2017Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways – Classification of posts as Safety Categories in Civil Engineering Department.
E(NG)I-2014/TR/2405.10.2017143/2017Filling up of posts in ongoing electrification projects undertaken by CORE.
E(NG)I-2017/TR/2422.09.2017131/2017Inter-Railway Mutual Transfer.
E(NG)I-2017/TR/2318.08.201797/2017Transfer of Sportspersons on request from one seniority unit to another unit against direct recruitment quota.
E(NG)I-2016/AP/207.03.201721/2017Technical Resignation  & Lien-Consolidated guidelines.
E(NG)I-2015/TR/2010.02.201712/2017Comprehensive Transfer Policy – Exemption from 5 years service condition
E(NG)I-2015/CFP/716.01.201702/2017Exemption from passing the Typewriting Test – Implementation of instructions of DOP&T.
E(NG)I-2014/PM7/114.01.201607/2016Increasing Promotion Quota percentage for Technician III posts in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds on Indian Railways from existing 20% to 25%.
E(NG)I-2014/PM7/118.12.2015159/2015Increasing Promotion Quota percentage for Technician III posts in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds on Indian Railways from existing 20% to 25%.
E(NG)I-2010/PM4/310.11.2015142/2015Procedure for conducting Stenography Skill Test on Personal Computers for filling up of post of Stenographers
E(NG)I-2010/PM4/310.11.2015141/2015Procedure for conducting Stenography Skill Test for filling up of post of Stenographers – Amendment to para 176 of Indian Railways Establishment Manual, Vol. I.
E(NG)I-2014/PM1/329.10.2015136/2015Guidelines for providing various facilities including allowing scribes to person with disabilities at the time of departmental examination.
E(NG)I-2012/PM5/210.09.2015102/2015Filling up the post of Bridge inspector Grade-III/Junior Engineer (Bridge) with G.P. Rs. 4200- Change in the recruitment pattern in the Bridge Department under Civil Engineering –regarding.
E(NG)I-2015/RE-3/212.06.201561/2015Absorption of medically unfit staff of RPF/RPSF in alternative post-Regarding.
E( NG)I-2008/PM1/610.06.201560/2015Scheme of General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up of 25%-50% of net direct recruitment quota vacancies in group ‘C’ categories – Partial shift in the duty of agency conducting GDCE regarding.
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/2605.05.201543/2015Selection procedure for promotion to Selection Posts- Formation of panel in the order of seniority amongst those securing qualifying marks.
E(NG)I-2014/PM7/509.04.201534/2015Residency period of promotion from Goods Driver to Sr. Goods Guard, Passenger Guard to Sr. Passenger Guard & ALP to Sr. ALP.
E(NG)I-2014/TR/1407.04.201533/2015Delay in promotion of staff for want of service records/ACRs of staff transferred from/to other Division/Zones- remedial measures- Regarding. 
E(NG)I-2003/TR/10/Pt III02.03.201513/2015New Catering Policy 2010- Repatriation of 188 Deemed Deputationist Officials (DDOs) to Railways from IRCTC. 
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1531.12.2014150/2014Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- Merger of grades-revised classification and modes of filling up of non-gazetted posts-Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2013.
E(NG)I-2013/CR/130.12.2014148/2014Introduction of provision for writing of APAR all Railway employees working in PB-I, 5200-20200, GP Rs. 1900- regarding
E(NG)I-2014/TR/1210.12.2014137/2014Posting of Government employees who have differently abled dependents- reg.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/614.11.2014128/2014Scheme of general departmental competitive examination (GDCE) for filling up of 25%-50% of net direct recruitment quota vacancy in Group ‘C’ categories-Partial shift in the duty of agency conducting GDCE regarding.
E(NG)I-2007/PM5/529.10.2014120/2014Merger of Senior permanent Way Superior (Sr. P.Way) with Junior Engineer (P.Way)-revised guidelines for induction to JE/P.Way.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/620.10.2014113/2014Scheme of general departmental competitive examination (GDCE) for filling up of 25%-50% of net direct recruitment quota vacancy in Group ‘C’ Categories-Partial shift in the duty of agency conduction GDCE regarding
E(NG)I-2012/PM5/114.10.2014111/2014Norms/procedure for future promotion in the unified cadre of Track Maintainers
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/216.09.2014101/2014Liberalization of GDCE scheme from 25% to 50% to give chance to brilliant staff available with the Railways recruited through RRCs
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/212.09.201498/2014General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up of 25% net direct recruitment quota vacancies in Group ‘C’ categories- Extension up to 31.03.2016.
E(NG)I-2010/PM1/1610.09.201497/2014Inserting a general provision in IREM for diversion of unfilled vacancies to LDCE/GDCE or DR quota
E(NG)I-2014/PM1/301.09.2014Corrigendum:-Guidelines for providing various facilities including allowing scribes to person with disabilities at the time of departmental examination.
E(NG)I-2014/PM1/301.09.201443/2014Guidelines for providing various facilities including allowing scribes to person with disabilities at the time of departmental examination.
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/1627.08.201490/2014Guidelines for Personnel Officers and Members of Selection Board constituted for conducting selection for promotion to posts classified as “Selection”.
E(NG)I-2008/MP1/1507.08.201487/2014Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- Merger of grades-revised classification and modes of filling up of non-gazetted posts-Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2013.
E(NG)I-2014/TR/1201.08.201485/2014Posting of Government employees who have differently abled dependents- reg.
E(NG)I-2013/TR/725.07.201482/2014Request transfer of employees from one seniority unit to other seniority unit in GP Rs. 1800 (PB-1) without insisting minimum education classifications of class X or ITI or equivalent.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1516.06.201463/2014Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- Merger of grades-revised classification and modes of filling up of non-gazetted posts-Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2013.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1419.05.201449/2014Ad-hoc promotion of staff in construction and other projects
ERP/Portal-Transfer /201330.04.2014Request for mutual transfer by Railway employees
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/1612.03.201426/2014Guidelines for Personnel Officers and Members Selection Boards constituted for conducting selections for promotion to posts classified as “Selection”.
E(NG)I-1999/PM7/324.02.201421/2014Filling up of promotion quota vacancies in the category of JE with GP 4200 in various engineering departments-allowing technicians-I (GP 2800/-) to the post of JE.
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/2606.02.201417/2014Selection procedure for promotion to selection posts-formation of panel in the order of seniority amongst those securing qualifying marks
E(NG)I-2010/PM1/2203.01.201402/2013Classification of Railway Services consequent upon introduction of RS (RP) rules 2008- Eligibility for selection to Group ‘C’ in general categories
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15 Vol.III03.01.201401/2014Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- Merger of grades-revised classification and modes of filling up of non-gazetted posts-Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2013.
E(NG)I-99/CFP/23 (Vol.III)14.11.2013121/2013Induction of Trackmen into other departments-Revision of age limit regarding.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15 Vol.III04.11.2013117/2013Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- modalities of effecting promotion to Parliament catering staff
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1414.10.2013107/2013Ad.hoc promotion of staff in construction and other projects
E(NG)I-2012/PM1/530.08.201384/2013Promotion of Railway employees-  consideration of ACRs.
E(NG)I-2012/PM5/113.08.201381/2013Norms/ procedure for future promotion in the unified cadre of Track Maintainers
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/406.08.2013Conducting selections for promotion to posts classified as selection-awarding marks for seniority.
E(NG)I-2012/PM1/1518.06.201357/2013System improvement in conduct of departmental selections-bservations and adherence of guidelines for more transparency
E(NG)I 2008/RE-3/430.04.201341/2013Fixation of pay of disabled/medically unfit running staff on being appointed against alternative (Stationary) posts in revised 6th CPC pay structure
E(NG)I-2011/CFP/1019/02/201313/2013Procedure for selection for promotion from GP Rs. 1800 to GP Rs. 1900 against departmental promotion quota
E(NG)I-2012/RE-3/821.01.2013 The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 – Absorption of disabled/medically de-categorised staff in alternative employment.
E(NG)I-99/CFP/23 (Vol.II)02.08.201286/2012Induction of Trackmen into other departments-Revision of age limit regarding.
E(NG)I-2009/TR/7 03.04.201248/2012Periodical transfer of non-gazetted railway employees
E(NG)I-2011/RE-3/1203.02.201214/2012Replacement of the terminology “Medical Decategorisation”  as “Alternative Employment on Medical Ground” in Chapter-XIII-IREM Vol.I, Revised Edition-1989, First Reprint Edition-2009.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/521.11.2011158/2011Implementation of Recommendations of 6th CPC – Merger of grades -Revised Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts -Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2011.
E(NG)I-2009/RE-3/905.10.2011138/2011Fixation of pay of medically decategorised running staff while kept on supernumerary posts.
E(NG)I-2008/IC-2/102.05.201155/2011Incentive for acquiring higher Scientific/Accounts/Technical Qualification of Group C employees.
E(NG)I-2008?PM1/1506.04.201144/2011Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC- merger of Grades
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/229.03.201141/2011General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE)
E(NG)I-2011/PM1/522.03.201138/2011Merger of grades – filling up of non-gazetted posts
E(NG)I-1999/PM7/1704.02.201120/2011Filling up of posts of JE-II in pre revised grade Rs.5000-8000
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1503.11.2010160/2010Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC
E(NG)I-1999/PM7/1709.06.201085/2010Filling up of posts of JE-II in pre revised grade Rs.5000-8000
No. E(NG)I-2004/CFP/804.02.201119/2011Procedure for conducting typewriting test on computers.
No. E(NG)I-2000/PM10/228.02.2011 29/2011Filling up of the posts of Dresser Gr.III/Operation Theatre Assistant Gr.III in the PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.1900 in the medical department.
No.E(NG)I-2006/PM10/211.03.2011 34/2011Promotion to the post of Laboratory Superintendent Gr.III-Medical Department.
E(NG)I-2006/PM 10/211.03.201134/2011Promotion to the post of Laboratory Superintendent Gr.III- Medical Department.
E(NG)I-2000/PM10/228.02.201129/2011Filling up of the post of Dresser Gr.III/Operation Theatre Assistant Gr. III in the PB1 Rs. 5200-20200 GP Rs.1900 in the Medical Department.
E(NG)I-2004/CFP/804.02.201119/2011Procedure for conducting typewriting test on computers.
E(NG)I-2003/TR/1028.12.2010187/2010New Catering policy -2010- Restoration of catering posts transferred to IRCTC.
E(NG)I-2000/PM1/4128.07.2010105/2010Procedure for holding selection to the post of Gangmate in Civil Engineering Department
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1522.07.2010103/2010Implementaton of recommendations of 6th CPC-Merger of grades-Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts-Scheme for filling up of vacancies-Classification of left over categories
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15 Vol II07.06.201081/2010Implementation of Recommendations of 6th CPC – Merger of grades -Revised Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts -Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 01.09.2009
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1511.01.201008/2010Implementation of recommedation of 6th CPC merger of grades promotion within the same grade pay- Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts – Status of panels finalized/selection initiated earlier etc.
E(NG)I-2003/PM1/3718.03.201041/2010Retention period of evaluated Answer Sheets of examination conducted for Departmental Promotions – Promotions within and to Group’C’ posts & suitability Test for C.G. appointments.
E(NG)I-2009/TR/2902.02.201023/2010Posting of husband and wife at the same station
E(NG)I-2008/PM7/4 SLP19.06.2009113/2009Selection Procedure for promotion to General Selection Posts – Placement of names on panel – Instructions regarding.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/1524.04.200970/2009Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC-Merger of grades promotion within the same grade pay-clarification regarding.
E(NG)I-2004/TR/1622.10.2007134/2007Transfer from one railway/division/unit to another railway/division/unit on request on bottom seniority and on mutual exchange basis
E(NG)I/2006/TR/1825.09.2007 Change of category to Commercial and other Non-Technical Popular categories
E(NG)I-2002/PM1/31 Vol. II20.03.200744/2007Aptitude test (earlier Psychological Test) in departmental selections – Calling the candidates a day prior to the test.
E(NG)I-2004/RE-3/904.01,200704/2007The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 – Absorption of disabled/medically decategorised staff in alternative employement.
E(NG)I-2006/PM 1/3406.11.2006168/2006Written examinations conducted for promotion within and to Group ‘C’ –Preparation of question Banks
E(NG)I-2006/PM 1/422.09.2006139/2006Procedure for holding selections to posts classified as selection – deletion of heading “Personality, Address, Leadership, and Academic/Technical Qualification” from the selection procedure.
E(NG)I-2006/PM 1/1830.08.2006123/2006Introduction of Objective Type Questions in the written test held as part of selection for promotion to the posts classified as ‘Selection’ for promotion to posts classified as selection –extending the provision of 50% objective type questions to lower grade selection posts.
E(NG)I-2004/RE-3/931.07.2006104/06The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 – Absorption of disabled/medically de-categorised staff in alternative employment.
E(NG)I-2004/PM 5/828.06.200686/2006Avenue of Promotion of Artisan Staff in Works Department to the posts of junior Engineer (works)II-Introduction of inter Apprentice quota. 
E(NG)I-2006/PM 7/623.03.200636/2006Lateral induction of skilled artisan Gr. III in the posts of Asstt. Loco Pilot (Diesel/Elect.)
E(NG)I-2006/PM1/422.03.200635/2006Procedure for holding selections to posts classified as selection – deletion of heading “Personality, Address, Leadership, and Academic/Technical Qualification” from the selection procedure. 
E(NG)I-2002/TR/19 23.02.200624/2006Periodical transfer of railway employees- list of sensitive posts
E(NG)I-2004/RE-3/907.12.2005210/2005The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
E(NG)I/2004/RE-3/931.05.200593/2005The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
 E(NG)I-2002/PM1/3129.03.200557/2005Psychological test in Departmental selections.
E(NG)I-2004/PM1/1927.08.2004191/2004Ex-cadre posts in Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ – Procedure for filling up – Observance of tenure regarding.
E(NG)I-2000 /SR 6/2325.05.2004105/2004Assignment at seniority to redeployed surplus staff .
E(NG)I-2003/RE-3/901.01.20042/2004Absorption of medically decategorised staff in alternative posts.
E(NG)I-2003/CFP/222.09.2003165/2003Procedure for holding selections for promotion from Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ posts
E(NG)I-2002/PM1/3122.08.2003144/03Psychological test in Departmental selections.
E(NG)I-2002/RE-3/1030.06.2003112/2003Absorption of medically decategorised staff in alternative employement – Implementation of revised procedure prescribed in pursuance of the “Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995
E(NG)I-99/PM7/1723.06.2003108/2003Selection of Intermediate Apprentices form amongst skilled Artisans for absorption as JE Gr. II in the pay scale of Rs. 5000-8000 in various departments.
E(NG)I-2001/RE-3/918.09.2002159/2002The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
E(NG)I-2001/RE-3/526.06.200292/2002Protection of grade and status of Medically de-categorised employees-faulty implementation of Railway Board’s instructions dated 29.04.1999
E(NG)I-2001/RE-3/504.03.2002 Protection of grade and status of Medically de-categorised employees-faulty implementation of Railway Board’s order dated 29.04.1999
 E(NG)I-2001/RE-3/603,12.2001 Absorption in alternative employement of medically decategorised staff
E(NG)I-2001/CR/722.08.2001172/2001Preparation and maintenance of Confidential Reports on non-gazetted Railway Servants.
E(NG)I-2000/RE-3/531.07.2001149/2001The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
E(NG)I-96/RE-3/9 11.12.2000213/2000Absorption of Medically de-categorised/disabled staff in alternative employement.
E(NG)I/2000/TR/1726.06.2000123/2000Periodical transfer of railway employees
E(NG)I-99/TR/158.2.200024/2000Transfer on request on bottom seniority – amendment in Indian Railway Establishment Manual
E(NG)I-98/PM1/1720.10.199927/1999Guidelines for Personnel Officers and Members of Selection Boards constituted for conducting selection for promotion to posts classified as “Selection”.
E(NG)I/96/RE3/9(2)29.04.199989/1999The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
E(NG)I-1996/RG 1/117.02.199728/1997Re-appointment in Group ‘C’ Categories
E(NG)I-96/TR/28 06.12.1996122/96Inter railway and Intra railway transfers on request
E(NG)I-1991/RG 1/130.04.199266/92Re-appointment in Group ‘C’ Categories
E(NG)I-91/TR/1311.02.1992 Posting of Physically Handicapped candidates
E(NG)I-1991/RG 1/127.12.1991223/91 
E(NG)I/87/TR/34/NFIR/JCM/DC27.09.1989244/89Periodical Transfer of railway employees
E(NG)I/81/CR/530.09.1981Instructions for preparation and maintenance of confidential reports on non-gazetted Railway servants.
E(NG)I-96/AP/2 (2)16.08.1999 Amendment to Indian Railway Estabhlishment Manual
E(NG) 57B01/5621.01.1961 Forwarding of applications from serving Railway employees for posts outside the Railways