2021 |
E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/AD-1 | 13.04.2021 | Modifications in the rates of Risk Allowance in consonance with the DOP&T order dated 03.11.2020 under 7th CPC. | 30/2021 |
E(P&A)I-2015/RT-43 | 10.03.2021 | Disposal of LARSGESS cases in light of Hon’ble Supreme Court’s directions in WP(C) No. 1407/2019 and WP(C) No. 78/2021 | — |
2020 |
E(P&A)I-2019/PS-5/PE-2 | 21.10.2020 | Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners etc. for faculty and other staff in Railway Degree College, Secunderabad South Central Railway. | 90/2020 |
E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 | 06.10.2020 | Proposals for posting of Sr. Consultants and forwarding of options by Doctors belonging in IRHS and Dental Doctors under the Ministry of Railways – Instructions reg. | 86/2020 |
E(P&A)I-2019/RT-21 | 07.09.2020 | Periodic Review of Railway employees for strengthening of administration under Fundamental Rule FR 56 (j)/ (l) {Rules 1802(a)/ 1803(a)/ 1804(a) of IREC Vol.II, 1987 Edition.}. | |
E(P&A)I-2008/PS-5/PE-4 | 06.01.2020 | Grant of Special Allowance @10% of Basic Pay to Teaching Staff of Oak Grove School, Jhariapani | 01/2020 |
2019 |
E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 | 24.12.2019 | Administrative posts in IRMS | 215/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 | 20.11.2019 | Administrative posts in IRMS. | 200/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/Genl-5 | 08.11.2019 | Admissibility of payment of Extra Work Allowance (erstwhile Rajbhasha Allowance) to Sr. Scale, JA Grade and SA Grade Officers entrusted with the administrative control of Hindi Work after completion of the period of one year. | 190/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2017/CPC/LE-5 | 01.11.2019 | Leave to a Railway Servant who is unlikely to be fit to return to duty-reg. | 186/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2019/RT-10 | 30.09.2019 | Retirement. | – |
E(P&A)I-2005/ALL/RPF-2 | 01.10.2019 | Revision in the rate of Ration Money Allowance in respect of non-Gazetted RPF/RPSF personnel | 166/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2019/RT-21 | 08.08.2019 | Reiteration of salient points regarding strengthening of administration by periodic review under Rule 1802(a)/1803(a)/1804(a)-R.II, 1987 Edition. | 130/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2015/RT-38(pt.2) | 02.08.2019 | Strengtheining of Administration Premature retirement of Railway servants | |
E(P&A)I-2015/RT-43 | 12.07.2019 | Disposal of representations submitted for employment under LARSGESS Scheme in light of Supreme Court’s order in WP (C) No.219/2019 and 448/2019. | —- |
E(P&A)I-2015/RT-38 (pt.2) | 09.07.2019 | Strengthening of Administration- Premature retirement of Railway servants-Periodical review under rules 1802 (a)/1803 (a)/1804(a)-R.II, 1987 edition | |
E(P&A)I-2014/ALL/RPF-1 | 27.05.2019 | Implementation of recommendations of VI Central Pay Commission-Revision of rates of Uniform Allowance, Kit Maintenance Allowance and Washing Allowance in respect of RPF/RPSF personnel. | 84/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2014/PS-5/PE4 | 14.05.2019 | Educational qualifications for recruitment of TGT/PGT | 82/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2012/SP-1/Genl-1 | 01.05.2019 | Modifications in the instructions issued we.r.t implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC | 71/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2019/CPC/LE-2 | 23.04.2019 | Amendments in the Railway Services (Liberalised Leave) Rules, 1949. | 64/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2015/RT-43 | 05.03.2019 | Termination of the LARSGESS Scheme in view of directions of Hon’ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana and the orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in SLP no.508/2018 dated 08.01.2018 | 39/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 | 20.02.2019 | Date of superannuation of doctors in case they opt to superannuate on attaining the age of 62 years. | 30/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 | 08.02.2019 | Facilities to be provided to IRMS doctors beyond 62 years of age. | 22/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 | 05.02.2019 | Amendment to the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volume-I,1985 Edition (Reprint Edition 32008) Chapter V – Child Care Leave (CCL) | 18/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2012/SP-1/Gen-1 | 03.01.2019 | Implementation of recommendations of Sevent Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Qualification Pay renamed as Railway Accounts Examination Allowance. | 02/2019 |
E(P&A)-2017/AL-2 | 09.01.2019 | Implementation of recommendations of Sevent Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government -Annual Allowance. | 05/2019 |
E(P&A)I-2015/SP-1/Gen-1 | 14.12.2018 | Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission-Decision relating to grant of Special Allowance-Grant of Special Allowance to Station Masters/Assistant Station Masters for making announcements at Stations in addition to their normal duty. | 195/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 | 07.12.2018 | Pay, Allowances and other entitlements for IRMS/Dentrl Doctors under Ministry of Railways who have opted to serve on clinical post after attaining age of 62 years. | 189/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 | 01.11.2018 | Designation of doctors belonging to IRMS and Dental Doctors under the Ministry of Railways on posting to clinical posts. | 171/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 | 17.10.2018 | Child Care Leave (CCL)-reg. | 162/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 | 18.07.2018 | Child Care Leave (CCL)-Clarification reg. | 103/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2015/RT-43 | 28.09.2018 | LARSGESS Scheme | 151/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2015/RT-43 | 26.09.2018 | Termination of the LARSGESS Scheme in view of directions of Hon’ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana and the orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in SLP(C) No. 508/2018 dated 08.01.2018 | 150/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 | 20.09.2018 | Option to be submitted by Doctors belonging to IRMS and Dental Doctors under the Ministry of Railways to serve the Government upto 65 years -Reg. | 144/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/WS-1 | 30.07.2018 | Clarification on PCO Allowamce to JE/SSE | 107/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2005/ALL/RPF-2 | 14.06.2018 | Ration Money Allowance during leave other than LAP | |
E(P&A)I-2017/A:-2 | 28.05.2018 | Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government-Post Graduate Allowance. | 75/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2017/PS-5/PE-2 | 14.03.2018 | Revision of pay scales of teachers in the Railway Degree College, Secunderabad. | 38/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/AD-1 | 01.03.2018 | Implementation of recommendations of seventh Central Pay Commisoion accepted by the Government – Risk Allowance. | 32/2018 |
E(&A)-I-2012-PS-5-PE3 | 18.01.2018 | Amendments in the norms of minimum qualifications for recruitment/promotion of teachers for classes I to VIII in Railway Schools (Primary and Trained Graduate Teachers). | 06/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2017-SP1-Gen-5 | 02.01.2018 | Implementation of recommendations of seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government- Grant of extra work Allowance (Abolition of existing Rajbhasha Allowance) | 208/2018 |
E(P&A)I-2017-SP1-MH-1 | 27.12.2017 | Revision of rates of Operation Theatre Allowance (Special Allowance) to the nursing personnel working in Railway Hospitals as per the recommendations of the 7th CPC- regarding | 207/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017-SP1-Gen-6 | 27.12.2017 | Implementation of recommendations of seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government- Grant of extra work Allowance (Abolition of existing Library Allowance) | 206/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 | 26.12.2017 | Decision of the Cabinet for enhancement of age of superannuation of Dental Doctors under Ministry of Railways. | 205/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2011/FE-4/1 | 05.09.2017 | Payment on account of discontinued allowances – Daily Officiating Allowance. | 120/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017-SP1-Gen-1 | 05.09.2017 | Implementation of recommendations of seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Flag Station Allowance. | 121/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017-VII CPC-AL-1 | 28.11.2017 | Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central pay Commisssion accepted by the Government – Abolition of out turn Allowance. | 176/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017-SP1-Gen-3 | 13.11.2017 | Revision of rates of Nursing Allwoance to the Nursing Personnel – Implementation of recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commisssion – reg. | 166/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017-SP1-Gen-2 | 27.10.2017 | Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central pay Commisssion accepted by the Government – Health and Malaria Allowance. | 159/2017 |
PC-V/2017/HRA-4 | 05.12.2017 | Admissibility of HRA during Study Leave. | Nil |
E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/WS-1 | 30.08.2017 | Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – relating to grant of PCO Allowance to Staff of Production Control Organization. | 112/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/WS-2 | 30.08.2017 | Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Special Allowance to Chief Safety Officers/Safety Officers. | 111/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/CE-1 | 30.08.2017 | Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Special Level Crossing (LC) Gate Allowance to Track Maintainers | 110/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017/VII CPC/AL-1 | 30.08.2017 | Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Abolition of Allowances. | 109/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017/HL/1 Corrigendum | 30.08.2017 | Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – National Holiday Allowance. | 108/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017/CPC/LE-5 | 30.08.2017 | Guidelines on leave and voluntary retirement of Railway servants in light of the provisions of the Section 47 of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995. | 107/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017/CPC/LE-3 | 29.05.2017 | Introduction of special leave connected to enquiry of sexual harrasment. | 51/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2017/CPC/LE-2 | 23.03.2017 | Grant of advances- Seventh CPC recommendations – Discontinuance of advance of leave salary | 27/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2005/ALL/RPF/2 | 28.02.2017 | Revision in the rate of Ration Money Allowance in respect of Non-gazatted RPF/RPSF personnel. | 17/2017 |
E(P&A)I-2015/CPC/LE-3 | 03.01.2017 | Corrigendum | 161/2016 |
E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 | 14.07.2016 | Enhancement of age of superannuation of IRMS Doctors (GDMOs) – Review of vacancies of IRMS. | 84/2016 |
E(P&A)I-2011/FE-4/1 | 04.07.2016 | Revision of the existing rates of Daily Officiating Allowance in the pay structure recommended by the VI Central Pay Commission. | 80/2016 |
E(P&A)I-2012/SP-1/Gen-1 | 15.06.2016 | Admissibility of Qualification pay to Appendix III Qualified staff in the V and VI CPC from 01.01.1996 and 01.01.2006 or the date from which an individual elects to draw pay in the revised scale of pay under Railway Services (Revised Pay ) Rules, 1997 and 2008. | 64/2016 |
E(P&A)/98/HW-6/Vol.III | 02.06.2016 | Grant of Hospital Patient Care Allowance (HPCA) & Patient Care Allowance (PCA) to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ (non Ministerial) Railway Employees working in Railway Hospitals & Health Units/Clinics. | |
E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 | 31.05.2016 | Enhancement of age of superannuation of IRMS Doctors (GDMOs) | – |
E(P&A)I-2014/PS-5/PE-4 | 22.02.2016 | Educational qualification for recruitment/promotion of Post Graduate Teacher. | 21/2016 |
E(P&A)I-2013/CPC/LE-2 | 05.02.2016 | Amendment to the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volumr I, 1985 Edition (Reprint Edition 2008) Chapter V – Leave Rules. | 14/2016 |
E(P&A)I-2014/RT-16 | 05.01.2016 | Guidelines required in connection with implementation of scheme of LARSGESS in trackman cadre (now track maintainer cadre) | ….. |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 18.12.2015 | Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS)-Inclusion of additional categories-PNM/AIRF Item No. 38/2012 and PNM/NFIR Item No. 14/2013. | 160/2015 |
E(P&A)I-2012/AL/1 | 08.12.2015 | Grant of Nursing Allowance to Assistant Nursing Officers working in Railway Hospitals. | ….. |
E(P&A)I-2014/RT-6 | 01.12.2015 | LARSGESS – irregularities in implementation of Scheme | ….. |
E(P&A)I-2015/RT-38 | 12.11.2015 | Strengthning of Administration-Premature retirement of Railway Servants-Periodical review under rule 1802 (a)/1804 (a)-R II, 1987 edition-Regarding | |
E(P&A)I-2015/CPC/LE-3 | 18.09.2015 | Requirement of taking permission by railway servant for leaving station/headquarters | 107/2015 |
E(P&A)I-2015/FE-4/3 | 10.09.2015 | LARSGESS – Clarification | 101/2015 |
E(P&A)I-2014/PS-5/PE-4 | 01.09.2015 | Educational qualification for the post of Post Graduate Teacher – clarification | 99/2015 |
E(P&A)I-2013/RT-3 | 10.07.2015 | Denial of benefit under LARSGESS in case both mother and father are working in the categories covered under the Scheme – PNM/AIRF Item No. 18/2015 | 78/2015 |
E(P&A)I-2014/PS-5/PE-4 | 24.06.2015 | Educational qualification for the post of Post Graduate Teacher – clarification | 70/2015 |
E(P&A)I-2005/ALL/RPF/2 | 19.06.2015 | Revision in the rate of Ration Money Allowance in respect of Non-gazetted RPF/RPSF personnel | 65/2015 |
E(P&A)I-2014/RT-5 | 20.05.2015 | Clarification regarding operating of scheme of LARSGESS | ….. |
E(P&A)I-2013/FE-2/3 | 23.02.2015 | Clarification regarding reckoning of 20/33 years of qualifying service in respect of Drivers, Gangmen, Specified safety categories in GP 1800 and 1900 under Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS). | —- |
E(P&A)I-2013/RT-3 | 23.01.2015 | Extension of second chance for Aptitude Test for recruitment as Assistant Loco Pilots to those wards who have passed the written test but could not clear the Aptitude Test under LARSGESS. | 5/2015 |
2014 |
E(P&A)-2013/FE-2/3 | 01.12.2014 | Clarification regarding reckoning of 20/33 years of qualifying service in respect of Drivers, Gangman, Specified safety categories in GP 1800 and 1900 under Liberalization Active Retirement Scheme for Guatanteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS)-PNM/AIRF Item No. 23/2013 and NFIR’s letter No. II/NFIR/95/Pt.IV dated 03.07.2014 | 131/2014 |
E(P&A)I-2012/RT-9 | 27.11.2014 | Order dated 26th August 2013 of Hon’ble CAT/Chennai’s Judgement in O.A. Nos. 1464,1465,1466,1467,1468,1469,1029 & 1030 of 2012 filed by S. Shri S. George Kirupanathan, A. M. Arumugam, K. Padmanabhan, E. Palani, K. Ekambaram, S. Kumaresan, N. Ramachandran and P. Munuswamy respectively. | |
E(P&A)I-2014/RT-14 | 07.10.2014 | Clarification/Interpretation of policy guidelines relating to LARSGESS | |
E(P&A)I-2011/RT-6 | 14.07.2014 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme covering safety categories with Grade Pay 1800 | ….. |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 | 09.07.2014 | Child Care Leave (CCL) in respect of female railway employees as a result of Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations – Clarification regarding. | 71/2014 |
E(P&A)I-2013/CPC/LE-2 | 29.05.2014 | Consolidated instructions related to action warranted against Railway servants remaining away from duty without authorisation/grant of leave. | 59/2014 |
E(P&A)I-2011/RT-6 | 10.06.2014 | Eligibility of Track Maintainer Grade III in Grade Pay of Rs.1900 for LARSGESS. | ….. |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 24.03.2014 | LARSGESS – Inclusion of additional categories – PNM/AIRF Item No. 38/2012 and PNM/NFIR Item No. 14/2013 | 31/2014 |
E(P&A)I-2014/RT-6 | 19.03.2014 | LARSGESS – irregularities in implementation of the Scheme. | —– |
E(P&A)I-2012/RT-5 | 03.01.2014 | Eligibility conditions under LARSGESS for specified safety categories in GP 1900 & Assessment committee – Clarification thereon. | |
2013 |
E(P&A)I-2012/PS-5/PE-3 | 09.12.2013 | Amendments in the norms of minimum qualifications for recruitments/promotion of teachers for classes I to VIII in Railway School (Primary and Trained Graducate Teachers | 127/2013 |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 30.08.2013 | Extension of second chance for Aptitude test for recruitment as Assistant Loco Pilots to those words who have passed the written test but could not clear the Aptitude Test under LARSGESS-PNM/AIRF Item No. 8/2012 and a reference received from NFIR. | 86/2013 |
E(P&A)I-2012/RT-9 | 26.08.2013 | CAT Chennai’s Judgement dt.26.08.2013 on LARSGESS | — |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 23.07.2013 | Dispensation of Written Test for recruitment of wards under LARSGESS | 72/2013 |
E(P&A)I-2011/RT-6 | 11.03.2013 | Clarification regarding reckoning of 20 years of qualifying service in respect of Gangmen and staff woking in safety category posts with 1800 GP under LARSGESS Scheme. | ….. |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-1 | 18.02.2013 | Application of LARSGESS – Cases of medical unfitness of the wards of Railway employees – clarification reg. | |
E(P&A)I-2011/RT-13 | 14.02.2013 | Recruitment under Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS) | ….. |
2012 |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-1 | 30.10.2012 | संरक्षा सम्बन्धी सेवा निवृत्ति योजना के अंतर्गत कर्मचारियों के सेवानिवृति के समबन्ध में | ….. |
E(P&A)I-2011/RT-13 | 08.10.2012 | Recruitment under Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS) | ….. |
E(P&AI-2011/RT-9 | 26.07.2012 | Employment under the Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS). | |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 17.05.2012 | LARSGESS for retirement/recruitment cycle of July – December 2011 – Clarification reg. | |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 14.02.2012 | Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS) with Grade Pay upto Rs. 1900/- Clarification regarding | |
E(P&A)I-2012/RT-1 | 06.02.2012 | Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS) – Assessment of suitability of wards for appointment in posts with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- ragarding. | …… |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 03.01.2012 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme covering safety categories with Grade Pay of ` 1900/- | RBE-04/2012 |
E(P&A)I-2010/SP-1/Gen-1 | 03.01.2012 | Special Allowance to Vigilance Inspectors working in Zonal Railway/Production Units. | RBE-03/2012 |
2011 |
E(P&A)I-2010/PS-5/PE-2 | 15.12.2011 | Revision of Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners etc. for faculty and other staff in Railway Degree College, Secunderabad South Central Railway. | RBE-168/2011 |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 15.07.2011 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme covering safety categories with Grade Pay of ` 1900/- | RBE-107/2011 |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 28.06.2011 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme covering safety categories with Grade Pay of ` 1900/- | RBE-99/2011 |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 | 04.05.2011 | Amendment to the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volumr I, 1985 Edition (Reprint Edition 2008) Chapter V – Leave Rules. | 57/2011 |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 29.03.2011 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme covering Drivers, Gangmen and other safety categories with Grade Pay of 1800/-. | RBE-42/2011 |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 | 08.02.2011 | Child Care Leave to female railway employees – Clarification regarding. | RBE-21/2011 |
2010 |
E(P&A)I-2009/SP-1/CE-1 | 20.12.2010 | Special Allowance to Gatekeepers of Civil Engineering Level Crossings identified as difficult. | RBE-180/2010 |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 07.10.2010 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme covering safety categories with Grade Pay 1800 | ….. |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 | 04.10.2010 | Child Care Leave in respect of female railway employees as a result of Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations – Clarification regarding. | RBE-144/2010 |
E(P&A)1/2009/CPC/LE-10 | 30.09.2010 | Introduction of Child Care Leave in respect of Railway Servants – Clarification regarding. | – |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 24.09.2010 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme covering safety categories with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- | RBE-141/2010 |
E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 | 11.09.2010 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme covering safety categories with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- | RBE-131/2010 |
E(P&A)I-2009/PS-5/PE-4 | 09.08.2010 | Revision of pay scales of Railway School teachers in Misc. categories – on the recommendations of VI CPC | 111/2010 |
– | 09.06.2010 | Report of the Fast Track Committee on Loco Running Staff including Motormen. | – |
E(P&A)I-2007/PS-5/PE-3 | 13.05.2010 | Career Advancement Scheme for Librarian working in Railway Degree College, Secunderabad. | RBE-73/2010 |
E(P&A)I-2010/PS-5/PE-2 | 10.05.2010 | Revision of pay scales of teachers in RDO, Secunderabad & others measure for maintenance of Standard in higher Education. | RBE-68/2010 |
E(P&A)I-2009/SP-1/GEN/1 | 30.04.2010 | Recommendation of 6th CPC – Decision relating to grant of special Allowance. | RBE-65/2010 |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 | 23.04.2010 | Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission -Child Care Leave Waiving of age restriction of 18 years for Government servant having mentally challenged/disabled children- | RBE-58/2010 |
E(P&A)I-2008/HL/2 | 18.01.2010 | National Holiday Allownace-revision of ceiling limit. | RBE-13/2010 |
E(P&A)I-2008/SP-I/AD-3 | 14.01.2010 | Payment of Hospital Care Allowance/Patient care Allowance to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ (Non-ministrial) employees working in hospitals, dispensaries and organisations. | 09/2010 |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-10 | 11.01.2010 | Entitlement of leave during a calendar Year of House Keepers, Matrons Junior Matrons and Dormitory Supervisors of Oak Grove School, Jharipani- Regarding. | 06/2010 |
E(P&A)I-2008/SP-I/AD-3 | 11.01.2010 | Payment of Hospital Care Allowance/Patient care | RBE-9/2010 |
E(P&A)I/2008/CPC/LE-10 | 08.01.2010 | Entitlement of leave during a calendar Year of House Keepers, Matrons Junior Matrons and Dormitory Supervisors of Oak Grove School, Jharipani- Regarding. | RBE-6/2010 |
2009 |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-10 | 24.09.2009 | Implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission regarding half pay leave facilities to Teachers, Principals, Headmasters, Librarians, Laboratory Assistants and Watermen working in Railway Schools – clarification regarding | 175/2009 |
E(P&A)I-2009/CPC/LE-11 | 11.09.2009 | Enhancement of Child Adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days and extension of the facility of Paternity Leave to adoptive fathers. | 166/2009 |
E(P&A)I-2008/ALL/RPF/2 | 26.03.2009 | Grant of Compensation in lieu of holidays to Non-gazetted RPF/RPSF personnel for attendance on gazetted holidays – Implementation of VI CPC’s recommendation. | RBE-57/2009 |
No.E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-10 | 06.03.2009 | Implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central PayCommission regarding half pay leave facilities to Teachers,Principals,Headmasters,Librarians, Laboratory Assistants and Watermenworking in Railway schools | RBE-46/2009 |
E(P&A)I-2008/SP-1/AD-3 | 30.06.2009 | Payment of Hospital Care Allowance/Patient Care Allowance to Group ’C’ and ’D’ (Non-Ministerial) employees working in hospitals, dispensaries and organisations. | RBE-119/2009 |
E(P&A)I-2009/AL/2 | 22.06.2009 | Enhancement of rates of Post Graduate Allowance and Annual Allowance to Medical Officers for possessing Post Graduate Degree/Diploma qualification | RBE-114/2009 |
E(P&A)-I-2005/ALL/RPF/2 | 10.06.2009 | Revision in the rate of Ration Money Allowance in respect of non-gazetted RPF/RPSF personnel. | RBE-103/2009 |
E(P&A)I-2007/ALL/RPF/1 | 20.05.2009 | Grant of Ration Money Allowance and ad-hoc bonus to Head Constables/RPF working as Vigilance Watchers in Vigilance Organization | RBE-87/2009 |
E(P&A)I-2007/FE-2/1 | 24.03.2009 | Grant of incentive to Accounts Stock Verifiers on Passing Appendix IV-A (IREM) Examination | RBE-55/2009 |
E(P&A)I-2008/PS-5/PE-4 | 17.03.2009 | Recommendation of VI CPC- Decision of Government relating to grant of Special Allowance to Teaching staff of Oak Grove School, Jharipani | RBE-48/2009 |
2008 |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 | 12.12.2008 | Child Care Leave (CCL) in respect of Railway Servants as a result of Sixth Central Pay Commission – clarification regarding. | RBE-195/2008 |
E(P&A)I-2008/AL/3 | 03.11.2008 | Night Patrolling Allowance – Recommendation of VIth CPC – Revision of rates. | RBE-163/2008 |
E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 | 23.10.2008 | Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to enhancement of quantum of Maternity Leave and introduction of Child Care Leave in respect of Railway Servants. | RBE-158/2008 |
E(P&A)I-2004/RT-5 | 18.03.2008 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme- Drivers and Gangmen. | ….. |
E(P&A)I-2004/RT-5 | 13.03.2008 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme – Drivers and Gangmen | |
2007 |
E(P&A)I-2001/RT-2(KW) | 22.01.2007 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme- Drivers and Gangmen – clarification regarding implementation of Second phase. | ….. |
2006 |
E(P&A)I-2005/RT-14 | 25.07.2006 | SRRS – Drivers and Gangmen | 98/2006 |
E(P&A)I-2006/CPC/LE-1 | 18.05.2006 | Grant of Child Adoption Leave for 135 days to the female Railway servants on adoption of child upto one year of age. | 62/2006 |
2005 |
E(P&A)I-2005/RT-14 | 20.12.2005 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme- Drivers and Gangmen. | 215/2005 |
E(P&A)I-2001/RT-2(KW) | 15.04.2005 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme- Drivers and Gangmen. | 64/2005 |
2004 |
E(P&A)I-2002/RT-1 | 04.08.2004 | Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme for Surplus Railway Employees. | 172/2004 |
E(P&A)-2002/RS-24 | 14-01-2004 | Benefits admissible to Medically decategorised drivers drafted to perform the duties of Power/Crew Controllers. | 12/2004 |
E(P&A)I-2001/RT-2(KW) | 02.01.2004 | Safety Related Retirement Scheme – Drivers and Gangmen. | RBE-04/2004 |
2003 |
E(P&A)I-2001/CPC/LE-3 | 30.09.2003 | Entitlement of 10 days Earned Leave on full pay during a calendar year in lieu of 20 days LHAP to House Keepers, Junior Matrons and Dormitory Supervisors in Oak Grove School, Jharipani | 175/2003 |
E(P&A)I-2003/CPC/LE-4 | 19.06.2003 | Simplification of rules and procedures relating to Leave Rules – Chapter V of the Indian Railway Establishment Code Volume I, 1985 Edition. (Reprint Edition, 1995). | 100/2003 |
E(P&A)I-97-SP1-CE-1 | 27.01.2003 | Special Pay to Gate Keepers of Engineering Department- DC/JCM Item No. 45/99. | 19/2003 |
2002 |
E(P&A)-I-97/CPC/LE-7 | 29.08.2002 | Recommendations of Fifth Central Pay Commission relating to grant of commuted leave/leave on Medical Certificate to Railway Servants. | 145/2002 |
2001 |
E(P&A)I-2001/CPC/LE-5 | 12.07.2001 | Grant of earned leave to Railway servants. | |
E(P&A)I-2001/CPC/LE-8 | 24.12.2001 | Simplification of rules and procedures relating to Leave Rules – Chapter V of the Indian Railway Establishment Code Volume I, 1985 Edition. (Reprint Edition, 1995). | 242/2001 |
2000 |
1999 |
E(P&A)I-97-SP1-CE-1 | 29.07.1999 | Special Pay to Gate Keepers of Engineering Department. | 187.1999 |
PC-III/92/CTC-1/2 | 8-07-1999 | Civil Appeal Nos. 4174-82 of 1995 (Chairman, Railway Board and others Versus C.R. Rangadhamaiah and others) and other tagged SLPs. | 164/1999 |
| 6-5-1998 | Revision of rates of Running Allowance and allowance in lieu of kilometreage. | 97/98 |
PC-III/92/CTC-1/2 | 17-04-1998 | Civil Appeal Nos. 4174-82 of 1995 (Chairman, Railway Board and others Versus C.R. Rangadhamaiah and others) and other tagged SLPs. | 54/98 |
1996-1998 |
PC-III/92/CTC-1/2 | 14-10-1997 | Civil Appeal Nos. 4174-82 of 1995 (Chairman, Railway Board and others Versus C.R. Rangadhamaiah and others) and other tagged SLPs. | 135/97 |
1991 – 1995 |
Before 1990 |
E(P&A)I-87/PS-5/PE-5 | 11.01.1988 | Revision of pay scales of school teachers. | ….. |
E(P&A))/82/RS-2 | 7-6-1982 | New Running Allowance Rules – Implementation thereof – clarification thereon. | |
Running Allowance Rules, 1981 | 1981 | The Rules for the payment of Running and other Allowances to the running staff on the Indian Railways, 1981. | – |
E(P&A)I-77/RT-46 | 09.11.1977 | Scheme of Voluntary Retirement for Railway employees. | ….. |
PC67/JCM/1 | 13.04.1967 | Weightage for night duty. | —- |
E(S)66/RS/11 | 4-8-1966 | Payment of Running Allowance to Running Staff – Ballast Trains. | |