File | Date | Subject | RBE No. |
E(NG)I-2020/PM 4/2 | 27.01.2020 | Selection for the post of Staff & Welfare inspector against 35% LDCE quota –clarification reg. Educational Qualification. | 11/2020 |
E(NG)I-2019/PM 4/13 | 11.11.2019 | Cancellation of selection after declaration of result-Due Notice to be given to candidates declared selected. | 192/2019 |
E(NG)I-2010/PM4/3 | 10.11.2015 | Procedure for conducting Stenography Skill Test for filling up of post of Stenographers – Amendments to para 176 of Indian Railways Establishment Manual, Vol –I. | 141/2015 |
E(NG)I-2010/PM4/3 | 10.11.2015 | Procedure for conducting Stenography Skill Test on Personal Computers for filling up of post of Stenographers. | 142/2015 |
E(NG)I-2008/PM 4/3 | 30.07.2008 | Selection for filling up the posts of staff &welfare inspector Gr.III in scale Rs. 5000-8000 AGAINST 50% quota to be filled from amongst staff of all deptts. Possessing requisite qualification and service experience –Authority of Posts Graduate Degrees awarded by open university in Tamilnadu. | |
E(NG)I-2007/PM 4/7 | 26.06.2008 | Filling up of posts of personnel inspectors (since redesigned as Staff & welfare Inspector) in grade Rs. 5000-8000 against 50% quota to be filled from amongst Sr. Clerks of personnel Deptt. | |
E(NG)I-2004/PM4/5 | 10.09.2007 | Allowing Gr. ‘D’ staff to appear in the selection for the post of Jr. Stenographer in scale Rs. 4000-6000. | |
E(NG)I-2004-PM4/5 | 22.05.2007 | Filling up the vacancies in the category of Stenographers scale Rs.4000-6000 – consideration of Group ‘D’ staff. | |
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/20 | 06.10.2006 | Introduction of LDCE quota in the categories of OS-II scale Rs. 5500-9000 and Personnel inspector scale Rs. 6500-10500. | 147/2016 |
E(NG)I-2006/PM 4/6 | 24.08.2006 | Relaxation in qualification to fill up 50% posts of personnel inspector Gr. III other than normal channel in pay scale of Rs. 5000-8000. | |
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/20 | 21.08.2006 | Introduction of 20% LDCE quota in the categories of OS-II scale Rs. 5500-9000 and Welfare inspectors scale Rs. 6500-10500. | |
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/20 | 18.08.2006 | Introduction of 20% LDCE quota in the categories of OS-II scale Rs. 5500-9000 and Personnel inspector scale Rs. 6500-10500. | |
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/20 | 19.06.2006 | Introduction of 20% LDCE quota in the categories of OS-II scale Rs. 5500-9000 and Welfare inspector scale Rs. 6500-10500. | |
E(NG)I-2006/PM4/2 | 17.05.2006 | Relaxation of time period for conducting selection the category of PS-II (Non-safety) grade Rs.6500-10500. | |
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/20 | 12.05.2006 | Arbitrary introduction of Direct Recruitment in the cadre of ministerial staff, Personnel inspector and depot Material Superintendent. | |
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/20 | 27.03.2006 | Introduction of LDCE quota in the categories of OS-II scale Rs. 5500-9000 and Personnel inspector scale Rs. 6500-10500. | |
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/20 | 20.02.2006 | Introduction of LDCE quota in the categories of OS-II scale Rs. 5500-9000 and Personnel inspector scale Rs. 6500-10500. | |
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/20 | 22.11.2005 | Filling up the posts of Personnel inspectors in scale Rs. 6500-10500. | |
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/46 | 26.08.2005 | Selection of the posts of personnel Inspector Gr. II &I Treating the posts as Ex cadre. | |
E(NG)I-2005/PM4/3 | 12.08.2005 | Re-organization of Stenographers’ cadre in RDSO due to change in status from Attached Office to Zonal Railway. | |
E(NG)I-2005/PM1/20 | 17.06.2005 | Introduction of LDCE quota in the categories of OS-II scale Rs. 5500-9000 and Personnel inspector scale Rs. 6500-10500. | 102/2005 |
E(NG)I-2005/PM 4/1 | 12.05.2005 | Filling up the post of personnel inspector in grade Rs 5000-8000 consideration of Head clerk in grade Rs. 5000-8000 as a onetime measure. | |
E(NG)I-2004/PM4/5 | 04.04.2005 | Filling up of vacancies of Stenographer in scale Rs.4000-6000 against DP quota in CKP division. | |
E(NG)I-2004/PM4/5 | 14.03.2005 | Filling up of vacancies in the category of Stenographer – III in pay scale Rs.4000-6000(RSRP). | |
E(NG)I-2003/PM 4/3 | 04.06.2004 | Filling of the post of Sr. Clerk in scale of Rs.4500-7000 against 13-1/3 % LDCE quota – inclusion of graduate Typist and Sr. Typist. | 115/2004 |
E(NG)I-2003/PM4/3 | 16.03.2004 | Filling up of the posts of Sr. Clerk in scale Rs.4500-700 against 13.33 LDC quota in scale Rs.4500-7000 against 13.33 LDCE quota-inclusion of Graduate Jr. Typist and Sr. Typists. | |
E(NG)I-2002/PM4/1 | 12.07.2002 | Filling up the posts of welfare inspector, Gr. III in the pay scale Of Rs. 5000-8000–qualification etc. for. | 106/2002 |
E(NG)I-2002/PM 4/1 | 13.03.2002 | Eligible for promotion to the post of welfare inspector sin scale Rs. 5000-8000. | |
E(NG)I-1996/PM 4/3 | 14.07.2000 | Eligibility for promotion to the post of welfare inspector in scale Rs. 5000-8000(RSRP). | 119/2000 |
E(NG)I-1996/PM 4/3 | 24.08.1999 | Filling up the posts of welfare inspector, Gr. III in the pay scale Of Rs. 5000-8000–qualification etc. for. | 215/1999 |
E( NG)I-99/SR 6/21 | 21.07.1999 | Criteria for determining the integrated seniority between Sr. Clerk and Jr. Stenographer for the purpose of selection to the post of welfare inspector Grade iii. | 184/1999 |
E(NG)I-98/PM 4/3 | 09.09.1998 | Eligibility for promotion to the post of welfare inspector scale Rs. 5000-6000(RSRP) | 205/1998 |
E(NG)I-96/PM 4/13 | 19.01.1998 | Filling up the post of welfare inspector Grade III IN the pay scale of Rs. 1400-2300/- Qualification etc. for. | 16/1998 |
E(NG)I-96/PM 4/13 | 25.04.1997 | Filling up the post of welfare inspector Grade III IN the pay scale of Rs. 1400-2300/- Qualification etc. for. | 58/1997 |
E(NG)I-96/PM4/13 | 21.02.1997 | Filling up the post of welfare inspector in scale of Rs. 425-640/1400-2300/- Qualification etc. for. | |
E(NG)I-1991/PM4/1 | 13.10.1994 | Promotion of Stenographer to the grade of Rs.2000-3200/- relaxation of rule regarding minimum of two years of service in the lower grade. | 89/1994 |
E(NG)I-1994/PM 4/4 | 23.03.1994 | Filling up the post of Welfare inspector in scale Rs. 425-640(Rs) /1400-2300-qualification. | 18/1994 |
E(NG)I-86/PM 4/9 | 18.11.1992 | Filling up the post of welfare inspector in pay scale of Rs. 425-640/- 1400+2300/- Qualification etc. for. | 191/1992 |
E(NG)I-1991/PM 4/17 | 03.12.1991 | Procedure for forming panel of welfare inspector Gr. III in scale Rs. 1400- 2300(RP). | 209/1991 |
E(NG)I-91/ PM4/1 | 22.11.1991 | Promotion of Stenographers to the grade of Rs.2000-3200(RSRP) – Relaxation of rule regarding minimum of two years service in the immediate lower grade. | 203/91 |
E(NG)I-91/PM4/1 | 01.02.1991 | Promotion of Stenographers to the grade of Rs.2000-3200(RSRP) – Relaxation of the rule regarding minimum of two years service in the immediate lower grade. | 22/1991 |
E(NG)I-85/PM1/13 | 10.08.1990 | Immediate lower grade for promotion of Stenographers to grade Rs. 2000-3200 – instructions regarding. | |
E(NG)I-87/PM4/12 | 06.11.1987 | Classification of posts of Stenographers – Post of PA to General Manager in scale Rs.650-960. | |
E(NG)I-86/PM 4/9 | 08.09.1987 | Eligibility for promotion to the post of welfare inspector in scale Rs. 425-640 /Rs. 1400-2300. | 226/1987 |
E(NG)I-86/PM 4/9 | 18.06.1987 | Eligibility for promotion to the post of welfare inspector in scale Rs. 425-640 Rs. 1400-2300 | 155/1987 |
E(NG)I-85/PM4/15 | 29.01.1987 | Upgradation of post of Stenographers attached with Head of Departments to scale Rs. 2000-3200 – Recommendations of the Fourth Pay Commission. | 10/87 |
E(NG)I-85/PM4/15 | 20.10.1986 | Upgradation of posts of Stenographer attached with Head of Departments to Scale Rs.2000-3200- Recommendations of the Fourth Pay Commission. | 201/86 |
E(NG)I-86/PM 4/9 | 07.08.1986 | Eligibility for selection to the post of welfare inspector in scale Rs. 425-640. | |
E(NG)I-85/PM 4/16(PC) | 05.09.1985 | Recommendation of Railway Reform committee in personnel matters instructions regarding. | 257/1985 |
E(NG)I-80/PM1/16 | 10.12.1980 | Procedure regarding filling up the posts of Stenographer. | |
E(NG)I-79/PM1/276 | 25.03.1980 | Promotion to Stenographer in scale Rs.425-700(RS). | |
E(NG)I-79/PM1/276 | 01.01.1980 | Promotion to stenographers in scale Rs.425-700(RS). | |
E(NG)I-79/PM1/306 | 03.12.1979 | Selection of Confidential Assistants in Gr. Rs.550-900 (RS) from the Stenographers in Grade Rs. 425-700 (RS) and Rs.550-750(RS). | |
E(NG)I-79/PM 1/206 | 02.08.1979 | Procedure for filling up posts of Assistant welfare inspectors Gr. Rs. 210-320(AS) | |
E(NG)I-74 /PM1/102 | 30.11.1974 | Classification for filling up posts of Stenographers on Railways. | |
E(NG)I-74/PM1/102 | 06.07.1974 | Classification for filling up posts of Stenographers on Railways. | |
E(NG)I 71/PM 1/244 | 28.02.1973 | Filling up posts of Stenographers in scale Rs.210-425 (AS). | |
E(NG)I-71/PM1/42 | 29.03.1972 | Avenue of promotion for Clerks to posts of Stenographers in scale Rs. 130-300 (AS). | |
E(NG)I-65/PM 1/37 | 24.05.1966 | Procedure for filling up posts of Asstt. Welfare inspector. Gr. Rs. 210-320(AS) | |
E(NG)- 61/PM 1/74 | 02.11.1963 | Procedure for filling up posts of welfare inspectors. | |