AIRF believes that, the system functioning so smoothly must have been consulted with the federations. Any change in the present system may create problems and also not suit to Running Staff and may also be against the interest of medically de-categorized Running Staff…..
No.AIRF/55 Dated: July 12, 2016
The Secretary(E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Scheme of filling-up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors
Ref.: Railway Board’s letters No.E(P&A)II-2009/RS-17 dated 30.06.2016 and reminder dated 08.07.2016
In reference to above cited letter of the Railway Board, we have to say that, the present system in vogue for filling-up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors is full proof and had been in operation since last more than four decades.
We believe that, the system functioning so smoothly must have been consulted with the federations. Any change in the present system may create problems and also not suit to Running Staff and may also be against the interest of medically de-categorized Running Staff.
AIRF, therefore, of the firm view that, the system in operation presently should be continued and there is no need of any change in the same.