No. 2016/Stat(Econ)/Cadre Restructuring/Policy/ New Delhi Dt: 24-02-2016
The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Road,
New Dellhi
Sub: Cadre Restructuring of Statistics & Compilation Department (Group-B and above)
The Committee on the above-mentioned subject requires your valuable suggestions and views for the restructuring of Statistics & Compilation Department (Grade’B’ and above). It is requested to give your valuable suggestions in line with DOPT Office Memorandum dt. 23.11.87 (Copy enclosed) on the subject. Gists of the said DOPT Office Memorandum are as follows:
i) The cadre may be visualized as an exercise for complete manpower planning taking into account the annual intake at the entry level, maintenance needs, growth etc. rather than being viewed only as a need for up-gradation to the members of the staff.
ii) The Cadre Review may be conducted as. functional-cum-structural consideration with due regard to promote efficiency in the Organisation /Department.
iii) Wherever SIU norms/yardsticks have already been laid down for provision of staff, these should be taken into account while conducting cadre review for various categories/grades.
iv) The cadre review exercise may be conducted periodically for all groups B, C & D posts without linking it to the level of stagnation in the cadre.
v) While conducting cadre review, time bound promotions may be considered only in exceptional cases, where it is provided for in the Service Rules of respective categories/grades of the concerned staff. The cadre review should be consistent with the needs and requirements of the organisation.
vi) While conducting cadre review, the Administrative Ministry may consider ration rationalisation of categories/grades througn merger, as over the passage of time, there might have been proliferation of categories, levels and grades in each service. A multi-disciplinary approach may be considered rather than having jacket or watertight compartmentalisation.
vii) In isolated categories where promotion to the next grade is not possible, efforts may be made to identify posts after taking into account the qualification and experience, duties and responsibilities attached to these posts, for merging them with existing cadres. In case it is not possible to merge them in an existing or proposed hierarchal structure, these posts should not be filled by direct recruitment but by transfer on deputation so that the incumbents of such posts do not stagnate.
Your reply should reach to the Board within 15 days from the date of issue of this letter positively.