No. E(NG)I-2018/TR/8 New Delhi, Dated: 26.10.2018
The General Manager (P),
All Indian Railways/PUs,
New Delhi.
Sub:- Mutual Transfer involving employees working in two different grades.
In terms of para 310 of IREM Vol. I 1989 Edition, Railway Servants can seek mutual transfer in the corresponding cadre of two Divisions/Offices/Railways and retain the seniority of the junior employees in their respective new units. The procedure for mutual transfer have recently been further simplified vide:-
(i) Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2017/TR/24 dated 22.09.2017 (RBE No. 131/2017) which delegates powers to Divisional Railway Managers in respect of mutual transfer, and
(ii) Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2017/TR/19 dated 06.07.2018 (RBE No. 99/2018) which enabled employees working in Level-I (GP Rs. 1800) belonging to any department/cadre to go on Mutual Exchange basis transfer with another employee working in Level-I (GP Rs. 1800) irrespective of cadre.
2. With a view to further enable employees to seek Mutual Exchange Transfer and in view of clarifications sought by some Zonal Railways in this regard and the demand of both and Federation e.g. NFIR and AIRF, Board have considered the matter. It has been decided that Mutual Transfers may also be permitted between staff in two different grades but only in the recruitment grade of the cadre and not in intermediate grades.
3. Both the employees seeking mutual exchange shall have to give a written undertaking accepting reversion unconditionally and willingly in their own interest to the recruitment grade and bottom seniority in their respective new Unit in order to avoid future litigation. The expression mentioned in preceding lines, should necessarily be incporated in the application submitted by the employee concerned. The “Note” below para 2(b)(iii) of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2017/TR/24 dated 22.09.2017 as mentioned in para 1 above stands deleted.
4. Other terms and conditions for mutual exchange including community restrictions contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2004/TR/16 dated 14.08.2017 and 22.10.2007 remain.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Hindi version will follow.
(Prabhash Kumar)
Railway Board