No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: January 4, 2022
The Chairman & Chief Executive Officer,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Long pending demands of the Railwaymen
While welcoming you as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Railway Board, we would like to bring to your kind notice various important issues of the Railwaymen raised by AIRF and the correspondence made with your predecessor from time to time(copy enclosed). Some of the important issues raised by AIRF are as under:-
- Bringing together all the Stations of Northern, North Eastern and North Central Railway in and around Prayagraj City area under the administrative control of NCR – AIRF has opposed many times merger of stations of Northern, North Eastern and North Central Railway in and around Prayagraj City, viz. Prayag, Prayag Ghat, Jhusi, Darapur and Rambagh, under the administrative control of North Central Railway.– Annexure `A’.
- Non- redressal of the important issues of the Railwaymen
The following long pending issues of the Railwaymen (Annexure `B’), deliberated and discussed with the earlier Chairman & Chief Executive Officerfrom time to time, are hanging fire in Rail Bhawan despite repeated assurances to redress the same within a time frame:-
- Placement of 30% of staff working in initial Grade Pay of Rs.1800 (Level-1 of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix) in Grade Pay Rs.1900 (Level-2 of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix) through outright upgradation.
- Advancement of the staff working in Grade Pay of Rs.4600 (Level-7 of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix) to next Grade Pay of Rs.4800 and 5400 (Level-8 and 9 of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix).
- Absorption of the Course Completed Railway Act Apprentices in the Railways, against 20% earmarked quota, through simplified process. (Annexure 1)
- Finalization of the SALUTE in consultation with the Organised Labour.
- Diversion of 10% posts of Direct Recruitment Quota in different categories to devise “LDCE Open to All” to facilitate promotion of the qualified staff recruited in the lowest grade pay.
- To devise Career Progression of Pointsman Category on the pattern of Track Maintainers.
- Payment of Night Duty Allowance to all the Railway Staff, performing Night Duties, without any upper pay ceiling.
- Absorption of the Staff working in the Quasi-Administrative Offices of the Railways.
- Allocation of sufficient budget for improvement in the Railway Colonies and Staff Quarters.
- Coach-wise entitlement to travel in different rains on Passes/PTOs. (Annexure `C’).
- Suggestions for consideration to incorporate in ensuing General Budget 2022-23 (Annexure `D’).
- Enhancement in the ceiling of Income Tax exemption in case of Kilometerage Allowance/ Allowance in Lieu of Kilometreage being paid to Loco and Traffic Running Staff of the Indian Railways
- Subsidy on various concessions etc. to be compensated from the General Exchequer.
- Payment of Pension to the Railway Pensioners from the General Budget.
- Provision of stimulus for eco-friendly Transport System.
- Promoting Solar Energy System.
- Creation of posts in Indian Railways to be exempted from Matching Saving Policy.
- Provision of adequate funds for replacement of old-aged non-serviceable Railway Quarters
- Coverage of Railway Employees under Old Pension Scheme being the second line of Defence.
- Provision of e-office facilities to AIRF. (Annexure `E’).
- Adequate workload to Railway Printing Presses, particularly in Northern Railway (Annexure `F’).
- Holding PNM Meetings with the Office Bearers of IRISET Branch of SCRMU/SC and continuation of IRISET Branch Office of SCRMU/SC at its present location. (Annexure `G’).
- Acute crisis of Trackmen in Metro Railway, Kolkata (Annexure `H’).
- Denial of appointment on compassionate ground to widows/wards of medically de-categorized Railway Employees (Annexure `I’).
- Undue delay in promotions of the staff to the tune of couple of months; causing heavy financial loss to the employees. (Annexure `J’).
- Issuance of UMID Cards to the staff working in the Quasi-Administrative Offices. (Annexure `K’).
- Lifting of limitation of berths reservation on Privilege Pass/PTO in Special Trains (Annexure `L’).
- Activities other than Vigilance Activities entrusted to the SDGMs/CVOs of the Zonal Railways. (Annexure `M’).
- Refund of the payment made for Cashless Treatment in Emergency by the Pensioners. (Annexure `N’).
- Clarification regarding seniority of the Sports Officers – Case of Shri V. Devaraj, Asstt. Sports Officer, Southern Railway. (Annexure `O’).
- Problems faced by the AC Staff engaged in train services. (Annexure `P’).
- Constitution of a committee to look into the issues relating to restructuring of Non-Gazetted Staff, including IT Cadre, on Zonal Railways and Production Units (Annexure `Q’).
- Extension of faculties to the employees of IRWO as admissible to the employees of Quasi-Railway Organisations (Annexure `R’).
We sincerely hope that, your goodself would take appropriate action on these important issues of the Railwaymen, which have already been agreed to, with a view to boost the morale of the Railwaymen .

Encl: Annexure `A’ to `R’
√Copy to: GSs, All Affiliated Unions – for information.