N.F.Railway Mazdoor Union observed May Day in a befitting manner through out N.F.Railway on 1st May, 2015.
In the morning the leaders and activist of all the 49 branches of N.F.Railway Mazdoor union spreaded over from Katihar-Malda to Dibrugarh and Agartala to Murkongsalek hoisted the red flag with soundingshouting various slogans and then delivered speech on the significance of May Day.
After the meeting at the branch offices , leaders and activists went out to were badges to the railway employees at t working field and offices.
At Katihar Branch of N.F.Railway Mazdoor Union the red flag was unfurled by the General Secretary of the union Shri Rakhal Das Gupta. There in presence of hundreds of railway workers he gave a speech reiterating the significance of May Day.