Glimpse of yesterday’s observance of U N day of elimination of VIOLENCE and HARRESMENT against women, by women’s wing NRMU at NZM. Huge rally was in support of Com NERMIN SHARIFF of Libiya was marched on road . Continuous slogan for justice for NERMIN SHARIFF to the last women were putted by comrades.aproximate 500 male female with young wokres participated in the programme.programme was witnessed by Div.sec.Delhi div Com Anoop Sharma,Com Nishi kapahi coordinator Aisa Pacific ITF,com Jaya agarwal chairperson AIRF women’s wing (ww),Com Divya convener NRMU WW,com sonia hasiza Treasure NRMU WW, com sunita bhatia co.chairperson NRMU WW, com pawan kumari co chairperson NRMU WW, com Anita Rawat organising sec. NRMU WW ,com Poonam Dabas youth rep Delhi div ,Com Rajkumar Branch Sec Sarai/Delhi div,com Azad Branch Sec NZM/Delhi div,com Amarjeet Branch president NZM/delhi div and Com. Gurmeet, Com. kasturi along with huge number of comrades.
Observance of U N day of elimination of VIOLENCE and HARRESMENT against women, by women’s wing NRMU at NZM
