Periodical transfers of non-gazetted staff – Rly. Board’s Reply on AIRF’s reference
No. E(NG)I-2009/TRJ7 New Delhi dated _24.08.2015.
The General Secretary.
4,State Entry Road,
New Delhi-11 0055.
Sub: Periodical transfer/rotation of non-gazetted staff working on sensitive posts.
Dear Sir,
The undersigned is directed to refer to AIRF’s letter No. AIRF/PNM/31/2012(421) dated 07.05.2015 on the above subject and PNM/AIRF Item No. 31/2012 and to state that in terms of para 124 of IREC Vol. I General Managers are empowered to make rules for their non-g~zetted employees so long as they are not in-consistent with any of the rules laid down by Board. There does not appear to be anything wrong or in contravention of Board’s policies in Northern
Railway’s circular No. 940E/III/E3-11352B dated 24.01.2014 mentioned in Federation’s letter referred to above. However, if Federation wish to make such arrangement on a particular railway, the matter may be raised with the concerned General Manager to sort out the issue. There is no need to issue a general policy guideline by the Board on issues which are within the domain of Zonal Railways.
Yours faithfully,
For Secretary, Railway Board.
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