Abrupt enhancement in per-capita charges for treatment of staff and their family members employed in Railway Cooperative Credit Societies/Banks and other quasi-administrativeboffices staff for treatment in Railway Hospitals…….


No.AIRF/101 Dated: August 2, 2016

The Director General
(Railway Health Services),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Abrupt enhancement in per-capita charges for treatment of staff and their family members employed in Railway Cooperative Credit Societies/Banks and other quasi-administrativeboffices staff for treatment in Railway Hospitals

Railway Board vide letter No.2003/H-1/2/2 dated 27.05.2016 have issued instructions to revise per-capita charges for medical attendance and treatment facilities to the staff and the members of their families employed in Railway Co-operative Credit Societies and Banks and other quasi-administrative offices of Indian Railways in railway hospitals w.e.f. 2004-05, i.e. after 11 years.

Per-capita charges in connection with the above are deposited every year by the concerned Railway Co-operative Credit Societies and Banks and other quasi-administrative offices for the staff and their family members for their medical attendance and treatment in Railway Hospitals. At this distant stage, abrupt upward revision of per-capita charges, effective from 2004-05, is not at all justified and would create lot of problems to Railway Co-operative Credit Societies and Banks and other quasi-administrative offices as this expenditure is to be reflected in the balance sheet of the concerned year, which is mandatorily submitted to the concerned Registrar in the stipulated period of time.

AIRF, therefore, demands that this revision may be withdrawn and the issue be discussed with the federation before finalizing the same.
