Dear Comrades!
After a long wait of more than a year; the Cabinet gave its approval for allowances, based on the recommendation of Lavasa Committee. Central Government Employees in general and all Railwaymen under the banner of All India Railwaymen’s Federation throughout these days had been fighting against the retrograde recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission as well delay in the reports of the committees constituted for National Pension System(NPS), Allowances, Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula.
We were demanding implementation of the allowances from 1st January, 2016 and HRA should not be reduced from 10:20:30, somehow government have accepted 10:20:30 for low paid employees from scale 1 to 3, covering 7.5 lakh Central Government Employees, out of which most of them are from the Indian Railways, as also enhancing HRA to 09:18:27 when DA exceeds 25% and restoring HRA at 10:20:30 when DA reaches 50%, modifying the recommendations of the 7th CPC. The 7th CPC had struck down 52 allowances with one stroke of pen, but almost 34 allowances have been restored, of which many are for the Indian Railways.
We have represented to the Cabinet Secretary, Government of India, for implementation of Allowances from 1st January, 2016 instead of 1st July, 2017, as well as demanded HRA 10:20:30 for all group ‘C’ employees. We are still pursuing for immediate resolution for our demands of improvement in Minimum Wage as well as Fitment Formula. We are also pursuing for Minimum Guaranteed Pension and Family Pension for the employees covered under New Pension System(NPS).
Dear Comrades! At no point of time we have lagged behind while raising our voice to achieve our long pending demands, but some of our detractors and some over active Central Government Employees’ Organizations/Associations, having other motives perhaps, are spreading rumours and have started vicious campaigning against us. We should not be cowed down by such elements.
We have always worked with full sincerity, dedication and honesty for the betterment of the Railwaymen and the Working Class as a whole and will always stood for same in the future too.
Shiva Gopal Mishra/General Secretary AIRF