No.AIRF/55 Dated: April 30, 2019
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Zonal Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Another update regarding Running Allowance in continuance of earlier update issued this evening on 30.04.2019
In continuation of our earlier update, reg. Running Allowance, it is clarified that, the amount of Running Allowance, approved by MoF (Exp.), will be the same, i.e. Rs.525/- as has been proposed by Min. of Rlys.
It is also clarified that, implementation of Running Allowance will be from 01.07.2017, i.e., the date from which other allowances have been implemented.
It is further clarified that Rly. Bd. may take 10-15 day’s time for issuing orders to this effect.
As it is a great achievement of AIRF, we hope, our affiliates will celebrate it in an appropriate manner.
