Three French Railway Unions – CGT, UNSA and FO have started an unlimited strike action from 5th December, 2019 against the plans of the French Government to open up the French Railways for competition, leading to large-scale outsourcing, including Maintenance Sector and Pension Reforms.
All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF) strongly feels that the reforms, which will come into force from 1st January 2020, will lower working conditions of the Rail Workers, cut in wages and restrict Union Rights.
AIRF is unhappy with the plan to change the way pensions are funded, and apprehend; the move will lower Pension and will not resolve pension issues of part-time workers, particularly women.
AIRF is the largest Federation of the Railway Workers in India, having membership of more than one million, and had conducted three major strikes in the country.
This 95th Annual Convention of AIRF, being held in Chennai from 4-6 December, 2019, along with eight million Railway Workers from 142 unions from 78 countries affiliated to the ITF, extends its support to the Striking French Railway Workers and assure that, millions of Railway Workers from AIRF will stand by the French Railway Workers during their struggle and wish them success.
On 21st June 2019, the International Labour Organization(ILO) adopted Convention 190 on “Violence and Harassment in the World of Work”. The Convention addresses a significant problem and will help workers prevent and eliminate Violence and Harassment in the World of Work.
The Convention is a legal instrument agreed by the governments, employers and workers, when ratified(adopted as a part of the national legislation) by a country, becomes legally binding(obligatory) to follow the international standards on Freedom of Association, Right to Work, Right to Collective Bargaining etc.
Violence and Harassment in the world of work is not acceptable in any form by Managers, Supervisors, Colleagues, Peers as well as third parties, such as clients, customers, friends or relatives of the employers in case of private employers. Governments should adopt laws and regulations against violence and harassment in consultation with the trade unions and employers, who in turn must take appropriate measures to prevent and address violence and harassment at work in order to provide a safe environment.
Violence and harassment, could be sexual harassment, verbal abuse, bullying, mobbing, threats and stalking, single as well as repeated acts. Lack of resources, denied access to services and other deprivations of liberty also constitute forms of violence.
Women are disproportionately affected. According to estimates of the World Health Organization(WHO), 35 percent women worldwide experience physical and or sexual violence in their lifetime. Almost 38 percent femicides are committed by the partners.
C 190 defines Gender Based Violence(GBV) as “Violence and Harassment directed at persons because of their sex or gender or affecting persons of a particular sex or gender disproportionately, and includes sexual harassment”. Convention’s focus on GBV and its impact in the world of work makes it a very important international instrument.
C 190 covers all workers in Public and Private Sectors, Rural and Urban Areas, Formal and Informal Economy are covered. Everyone in the world of work is covered. No one is left behind!
Everyone has a role to play in this fight. Trade Unions are catalysts for Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the society.
All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), oldest Federation on the Indian Railways, has been consistently fighting for equality and has been strongly opposing gender-based violence in all forms, be it domestic violence or at work place.
Keeping in view ILO Convention 190, All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), affiliated to International Transport Workers Federation(ITF), expresses its strong support for ratification of the ILO C 190 and thus this resolution in this 95th Annual Convention of AIRF, being held at Chennai(India) from 04th to 06th December, 2019.
AIRF authorizes ITF to count on our support in all the International Forums, including ILO for ratification of the C 190.