On 24 April 1924 and this Federation is completing 100 years on 24 April 2024,
Briefly discussing the history of AIRF, he said that this 100 years history of All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) has been full of struggles.Late. Shri. Rai Saheb Chandrika Prasad, Shri. Mukand Lal Sarkar Shri. N.M. Joshi, Shri V. V. Giri, Shri Shri I.B. Sen, Shri Jamuna Das Mehta, Shri V.V. Giri, Shri S. Guruswami, Shri Peter Alwaris, Mrs Mani Ben kara, Shri Jai Prakash Narain, Professor Shri Madhu Dandwate, Shri George Fernandes, Shri . Priya Gupta, Shri . J.P. Chaubey, Shri. Umrao Mal Purohit, Shri. Rakhal Das Gupta have successfully led AIRF while holding the post of President and General Secretary and he has sacrificed his entire life for the demands of the employees. On the strength of these great leaders, today we are becoming witnesses of this historical moment.
General Secretary AIRF, Shri. Mishra said that, it is a very proud and historic moment for all of us that we are witnessing the ‘Centenary Conference’ of AIRF because this is a very rare opportunity for any organization. He said that preparations have been made in full swing to make the Centenary Convention historic and successful, which include the National Women and Youth Conference on April 23 at Tal Katora Stadium, New Delhi, the ‘Centenary Convention’ rally of AIRF on April 24 at 02.00 pm. The open session of the Centenary Convention will be organized with much fanfare at Karnail Singh Railway Stadium, New Delhi and on 25th April, the delegate session of ‘Centenary Convention’ of AIRF will be organized at Tal Katora Stadium, New Delhi and on 26th April , the conference of All India Railway Pensioners welfare Federation, will be organized in Civic Centre, New Delhi
Shri Mishra further said that on this occasion, on 24th April, the railway employees who were the pioneers of the historic Railway strikes of Indian Railways in the years 1960, 1968 and 1974 will also be honoured. On April 24, 2024, at Karnail Singh Railway Stadium, New Delhi, more than Twenty thousand railway employees from all over the Indian Railways along with Railway Officials , and International leaders from different Railway sectors are also participating. The chief guest of the function will be Mrs. Jaya Verma Sinha, the first woman chairperson of the Railway Board and the inaugurator of the function will be Mr. Stephen Cotton General Secretary of the International Transport Workers Federation.
To participate in the celebrations, about twenty thousand railway employees have started coming from all over India through special trains and reserved trains from 22nd April 2024 itself, the enthusiasm which is felt by the members of any person or organization on completion of 100 years, it is visible. The most enthusiasm is among youth and women. International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) Railway Section Chairman Mr. David Gobe from France, Mr. Sergei Chernogaev, General Secretary of Russian Railways, Mr. Toshihiko Sumino San, President Transport Council Japan will also address this event along with local leaders. All India Railwaymen’s Federation has also invited all the central labor organizations to participate in this historic moment. Apart from the Railway Board Members, General Manager Northern Railway, Divisional Railway Manager Delhi and many other officers will also participate in the Centenary conference.
The open session of the Centenary Convention of AIRF will be presided over by Dr. N Kannaiya, National President of AIRF on 24th April 2024.

4, State Entry Road, New Delhi
Date -23rd April, 2024
National Women and Youth Convention Tal Katora Indoor Stadium , New Delhi near RML Hospital, New Delhi
(Women Conference from From 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM & Youth Conference from 2.30 to 7.00 PM)
Date -24th April, 2024
AIRF Centenary Convention Rally Karnail Singh Railway Stadium, Basant Road New Delhi
( Rally/ Procession will Start 2.00 pm from Ajmeri Gate to, Karnail Singh Railway Stadium, Basant Road, New Delhi
OPEN SESSION Karnail Singh Railway Stadium, Basant Road, New Delhi
(Open Session will start from 4.30 PM at Karnail Singh Railway Stadium, New Delhi)
Date -25th April, 2024
AIRF Centenary Convention Delegate Session Tal Katora Indoor Stadium , New Delhi near RML Hospital, New Delhi ( From 9.30 AM onward)
(From 10.00 AM to 7.00 PM)
Date-26th April, 2024
All India Retired Railway Pensioners Welfare
Federation Convention Kedarnath Sahni Auditorium, C Block, 4th Floor, Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi