Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board
N~0 1 4/E(LR)II/1/4
The General Secretary,
New Delhi , dated 07.10.2015
Dear Sirs,
The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Roc d,
New Delhi -11 0055.
Sub.: Grievances of Staff- MACPS anomalies.
In above matter, a meeting was held by Board (MS & FC) with both Federations (AIRF & NFIR) on 19.05 .2015 to discuss the ‘issues on MACPS anomalies. However, the meeting could not be concluded due to paucity of time and it was decided that next meeting would be fixed to discuss al l the issues. Further, next date of meeting was fixed on 27.08.2015 to discuss the issues but meeting had to be postponed.
Curing the discussions held by Board (CRB, MS & FC) with the Federations on 01.10.2015, it was agreed that before the issues are discussed at the level of Board (MS & FC), deliberation may be held by concerned Executive Directors with the General Secretaries of the Federations.
For this purpose, a meeting has been fixed for 12.10.2015 at 11.30 hrs. in Committee Room, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi A list of issues to be discussed is enclosed.
General Secretaries of the Federations are rec;Jested to kind ly make it convenient to attend the above meeting.
Yours faithfully,
(Naveen Kumar)
PDF file has been reproduced underneath:-