Safe rail operation, being an overriding priority of both the management and the entire railway workforce, this issue has been repeatedly deliberated at various levels with a view to formulate improvements therein. At one point of time, Ministry of Railways felt that, basic hurdles in the safety of the Railways should be discussed threadbare with the grassroots workers working in the field in various safety categories…….
No.AIRF/415(164) Dated: June 19, 2018
Hon’ble Minister for Railways,
Ministry of Railways,
Rail Bhawan,
New Delhi
Respected Sir,
Sub: Safety Related Voluntary Retirement Scheme/LARSGESS – Continuation thereof
Safe rail operation, being an overriding priority of both the management and the entire railway workforce, this issue has been repeatedly deliberated at various levels with a view to formulate improvements therein. At one point of time, Ministry of Railways felt that, basic hurdles in the safety of the Railways should be discussed threadbare with the grassroots workers working in the field in various safety categories, and consequently two “All India” major “Safety Samvads” were held at New Delhi(in National Rail Transport Museum, Chanakya Puri), on 12-13.07.2003 and Allahabad 03.11.2003 respectively, wherein the then Hon’ble Minister for Railways, Shri Nitish Kumar, preferred to directly interact with the grassroots workers employed in the safety categories, who are primarily responsible for safe rail operation. After thoroughly deliberating all the aspects it was concluded that, aging effect is a major contributory factor on the performance of human beings and the reflexes get deteriorated with the growing age.
Internal working conditions also have serious impact on the health and reflexes, therefore, it was concluded that, a “Safety Related Voluntary Retirement Scheme” should be invoked in the categories of the Loco Pilot and Trackmen, which are most vulnerable categories, so far as safety of rail operation is concerned, whereafter this scheme came into effect and the Loco Pilots and Trackmen, with the prescribed pre-condition, were allowed to opt for this scheme with the facility of appointment of their wards, fulfilling all open market recruitment conditions, as Asstt. Loco Pilot and Trackmen respectively.
Since the aforementioned Safety Related Voluntary Retirement Scheme had proved to be beneficial for railway safety, this was further extended to certain other safety categories, after giving thorough consideration, in the revised nomenclature of the “LARSGESS”.
In this connection, it would be quite pertinent to mention here that, before the judgement delivered by Hon’ble High Court of Chandigarh, in the case of Shri Kala Singh Versus Union of India and Others, the cases of eligible category of staff were under process, and in certain cases, the candidates, after undergoing due process of selection, had also been subjected to medical examination which they had passed also, but for the judgement of Hon’ble Chandigarh High Court supra, their appointment could not take place in time. This has resulted that, a number of wards of the railway employees, who had completed the above-mentioned process, have become age barred also with the passage of time waiting appointment, thereby, they will be deprived of employment on this bare account through other process of recruitment.
It may further be appreciated that, Hon’ble Chandigarh High Court in their judgement quoted above has not directed to totally stop the process, but have asked the Ministry of Railways to revisit the scheme.
AIRF, therefore, is of considered opinion that, your goodself may review the entire issue and discuss this important issue with the organized labor to evolve some amicable solution without infringing its legal aspects.
With Kind Regards!
Copy to: Chairman, Railway Board, New Delhi – for necessary action please.
Copy to: Member Staff, Railway Board, New Delhi – for necessary action please.
Copy to: D.G.(Pers.), Railway Board, New Delhi – for necessary action please.
Copy to: GSs, all affiliated zonal unions – for information.