Increasing Promotion Quota percentage for Technician III posts in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds on Indian Railways from existing 20% to 25% – RBE 159/2015
RB/Estt. No. 159 /2015
NO.E(NG)l-2014/PM7/1 New Delhi, dated 18.12.2015
The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways & PUs.
(As per standard list)
Sub: Increasing Promotion Quota percentage for Technician III posts in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds on Indian Railways from existing 20% to 25%.
Attention in invited to Para 159 of Indian Railways Establishment Manual, Vol-1, 2009 (reprint edition), emphatically towards procedure prescribed for Diesel Electric Loco/EMU Sheds, which is filled hitherto by:
(i) 60% plus shortfall, if any, against LDCE quota as at (ii) below by selection from Course Completed Act Apprentices, and ITI passed candidates in relevant trades from the open market; serving employees who are “Course Completed Act Apprentices” or ITI qualified could be considered against this quota allowing age relaxatiqn as .applicable to serving employees; and
(ii) 20% from serving semi-skilled and unskilled staff with educational qualification as laid down in Apprentices Act; and
(iii) 20% by promotion of staff in the lower grade as per prescribed procedure.
2. Consequent to up-gradation of required minimum educational qualification to Matriculation and demand raised by the General Secretary/NFIR for increasing the promotion quota, the matter has been examined by the Board keeping in view the changed scenario and it has been decided that henceforth posts of Skilled Artisans in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds may be filled as under:
(i) SO% plus shortfall, if any, against LDCE quota as at (ii) below by selection from Course Completed Act Apprentices, and ITI passed candidates in relevant trades from the open market; serving employees who are /(Course Completed Act Apprentices” or ITI qualified could be considered against this quota allowing age
relaxation as applicable to serving employees; and
(ii) 25% from serving semi-skilled and unskilled staff with educational qualification as laid down in Apprentices Act; and
(iii) 25% by promotion of staff in the lower grade as per prescribed procedure.
3. Accordingly, Para 159 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol-1, 2009 (reprint edition) is amended so far concerned with filling up the posts of Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds, as per ACS No 231 enclosed herewith.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
Hindi version shall follow.
(Amita Shalla)
Deputy Director-II E(NG)I
Railway Board.
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