No. ORG/2017/ Dated : 06-02-2017.
Shri J. R. Bhosale
General Secretary,
Sub: Massive demonstration held on 06-02-2017 observed by WREU-against arbitrary orders issued for Supervisory category by Rly.Brd – in front of DRM Office at Rajkot.
Respected Comrade,
A mass demonstration was organised by WREU-RJT on 06-02-2017 against to protest against arbitrary debarration of Safety category of Supervisors holding the post of the office Bearers of Union after 31-03-2017 from 13:00 to 14:00 hours in front of DRM Office, Rajkot in which more than 200 Rly. employees have participated from RJT,Morbi,Wankaner to highlight the Negative attitude of Rly.Board in staff matters. The demonstration also held at HXP, JAM and SUNR by number of Safety category Supervisors and other Union workers actively participated in slogan shouting “WREU Zindabad, AIRF Zindabad” and “Railway Board Murdabad” “ to highlight the anti-staff attitude of the Railway Board .
Shri. Mahesh. K. Chhaya, Zonal Vice President & Divl. Chairman, has given speech to come together and express their resentment against the arbitrary issue of letter by Rly.Board on name of Safety for debarring to Safety category Supervisors from Trade Union Bearers.
Shri Nikhil Joshi, Divn. Secy., & Shri. Naresh Khatwani, Jt. Divn. Secy. in his speech explained to fill up 1.25 Lacs vacancies first of Safety category staff to save Rly. accidents instead of issue such type of wrong letter which has created heavy discontentment among the staff
With regards,
Yours comradely,
(Nikhil B. Joshi)
Divisional Secretary,