( रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD)
No.2017/E(LR)III/REF/RB/1 Rail Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 001 , dated : 11.03.2024
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways &
Production Units, including
Metro Railway, Kolkata.
(Attention: All PCPOs)
Sub: Measures to improve safety on Indian Railways.
Railway Board’s letter No.2024/E(LR)III/REF/RB/1 dated 09.03.2024 purportedly signed by Shri Deepak Peter Gabriel, Principal Executive Director/IR, which is under circulation through different modes, is a fake and photoshopped letter and has not been
issued by Railway Board.
Shri Deepak Peter Gabriel, Principal Executive Director/IR has superannuated on 31.01.2024. •
Zonal Railways may please take note of it.
Director (IR)
Railway Board
1 General Secretary, AIRF, 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi – 110 055.
- General Secretary, NFIR, 3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi- 110 055.
No.AlRF/415 Dated: March 10,2024
The General Secretaries,
AllAffiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Circulation of the Fake Letter of the Railwav Board on the Social Media Platforms
It has been brought to the notice of the undersigned if,”t, two letters, bearing No.2024lE(LR)lll/Ref./RB/l dated 09.03.2024 and 1 0.03.2024, having Fake Signature of Shri Deepak Peter Gabriel, Retd. P.E.D.(1.R.), Railway Board, are doing round on the Social Media Platforms.
ln this connection, it is clarified that, these letters are totallv crooked and this is a mischievous act of some anti-social elements to create panic among the Supervisory Staff, working in GP of Rs.4200 and associated with the recognized trade union, over the lndian Railways.